
Am I insane or logical 🤔 ( brain fart edition).

Am I insane or logical 🤔 ( brain fart edition).

Theeoldways37 Created May 2, 2024 06:29

Now, sometimes yes sometimes I could be accused of living in my head, because let's face it reality is most of the time is not great. I am opposed to religion as I feel its just a way to control the masses, and a lot of times take advantage of people. Saying that now here goes I'm going to release some brain farts here...I want a group of like minded people to worship at the alter of themselves, to see themselves as powerful, coming together as a collective but not in the hippy sense where we grow veg, no I mean a created family of members who support eachother, come together to read books on satanism, without identifying as one, but who follow the teachings, witches as you may but without the hocus pocus more practical ways for instance, the single mom is part of the collective she never has to worry about struggling alone, or the lonely man who just wants a place to belong whilst being who he is without fear of rejection, a collective of a specialy created people who tell the truth, who are all very different and embrace without judgment, a collective where there is no need for outward mind numbing searches for where you belong because you belong to the collective where you meet every week to talk about the worries or the good points of the week, a collective where its the start of a tidlewave of new thinkers who don't look like Kim kardashion, a collective of brothers and sisters who would class themselves as witches in a sense because we make things happen for the collective, a secret membership of people who encase eachother accept eachother but with a goal in, power and freedom. Also exquisite dinners and rituals that involve black capes and a tattoo on the wrist so your set apart from the herd. Now my one and only friend thinks maybe I'm reaching for the stars but I say I thought most people think like this but are just too scared to say. What do you think? Do I sound like an insane cult leader, or do my brain farts actually sound plausible? By the way either answer is OK with me.


This topic has 25 comments


May 2, 2024 08:23

What is your perspective on Satanism? Because if it involves both freedom and empathy, there are very influential organizations who consider themselves true Satanists who would not agree. My understanding of Satanism is that it is deification of self, but without necessarily viewing others and the whole of creation as equally deified...and actively encouraging one to serve the self at the expense of others. They have a list of "sins" such as stupidity that members should not engage in...but should encourage others, such as the "brainwashed masses", to engage in so they can be controlled and bent to the will of the magician. It's a predatory ideology. If that isn't your interpretation of it, good, but I'll be honest and inform you of what's out there.

The people you, as a non-conformist probably don't like (politicians, CEOS, religious leaders)...many of them are those kinds of Satanists.


May 2, 2024 08:30

"Freedom" for them by manipulating and enslaving others.

Most people who simply like the aesthetic qualities of Satanism and believe it to be about non-conformity and rejecting religion don't know what's behind the curtain. Those tend to stick in the lobby of cookies, punch, heavy metal, and bashing religion while the predators make their way up, possibly even into organizations like the Club of Rome that focus on social engineering and "eugenics".

Scuffed in Stourbridge

May 2, 2024 11:17

I think you're underestimating the power of growing veg.
I've powered a lightbulb with a potato, but with The Lesser Key of Solomon I've only managed to propel my friends, *away* from wherever the mock ritual is being conducted; something about a fear of devildry ominous gibberish.

I've grown wary of "Collectives" because man is a religious animal, and in place of one structure he inevitably supplants another.
I think keeping such arrangements as informal as possible when they're small-scale is how you avoid weirdness; I am told by some that this is called "Having friends".
I tried to start a cult once, but I didn't have it in my heart to brainwash the little buggers, so now we just play board games.

I came around to the perspective from studying the material, that Satanism occupies the inferior position in it's relation to Christianity, patently and obviously, by dint of being parasitic upon it; if Christianity ever became extinct, obscure and irrelevant, the symbolism that Satanism relies upon would also become trivial in potency, because it's heavily dependent for it's mystique on profaning the sacrality of Christian imagery.
I study this stuff mostly as an artistic movement and a philosophy, mostly.
@Darkhorse12345 may be a schizo, but I think he's also one of the good ones.

Some people construct a "Satanism" that's pseudo-paganistic, espouses a philosophy of "Absolute Freedom" and is shorn of references to Christianity, but that's essentially just wicca for edgy people.

Also Thelema began life as a way for Aleister Crowley to convince people that bumming him was magic.
"Bum me!, bum me!, I'm a wizard!"
"No Aleister, you're sick, and why do children keep dying around you in obscure circumstances?"
"Iunno, Magic?"
I swear, there's just a well of sketch material there.


May 2, 2024 12:30

I study occultism and philosophy. Pretty ignorant and dismissive to call me a "schizo". The word Satan means "the adversary". It's not the adversary of Christianity, it's the adversary of humanity. The idea of "Satan" as some sort of mythological being/deity does depend on Christianity, but philosophical Satanism, the REAL Satanism, absolutely does not.

It's simple, really. It's the philosophy of service to self at the expense of others, which is the philosophy of the world's ruling elite. It's an extreme derivative of what is called the left-hand path in Western occultism. Take the mentality of a predatory psychopath and turn it into an ideology, and that's what Satanism really is.


May 2, 2024 14:14

Do you want to be your own person with your own ideals, following your own path, thus not following but leading, yourself?

If you're part of any club, you follow. You follow the club rules. You serve, serve the over arching goal of the club. If you're following you're not thinking. You become one of many who believes a thing is the right path to believe. No more thoughts, just belief.


May 2, 2024 17:38

It sounds like what you’re describing is a grad school program. Obviously one would prefer to get all the wonderful psychological-emotional-intellectual benefits without having to pay thousands of dollars, but then again, it depends on what one’s priorities are. I have found all of what you’re describing over the past two years in my master’s program, and this past March I had the chance to travel to Normandy with some of my classmates for a week and a half. The experience of being around other people as passionate as you are about the things you’re most interested in is incredibly rewarding. The collective excitement around learning at a higher level than the typical undergraduate degree program is inspiring. If you care about something this deeply, say humanist philosophy or ethics, perhaps it’s worth the money to enroll in a program of higher education.


May 2, 2024 21:13 take on satanism Is a bit different, if you were a homeless man and there was £20 laying next to you I would take it while you slept. If you were in a burning building I wouldn't even try and if I saw a suitcase with £250000 but with a note saying "you have your money now give me back my wife" I'm taking the money, why because there would be no consequences. When I'm at work I follow the rules explicitly because there would be consequences. So I wouldn't make a good satanist because everyone on that list got hurt somehow and didn't deserve it. But I didn't care.


May 2, 2024 21:58

Magpie, then.


May 2, 2024 22:09

Human, animal. Magpie always.


May 2, 2024 22:41

Based on that, you WOULD make a good Satanist in accordance with actual Satanism, because the only thing keeping you from doing bad s**t to others and being a bully is the possibility of consequences to yourself and/or lack of gain. Gain and consequences.

I, on the other hand, have principles. Not because of fear of consequences or to appease some authority, but because living by those principles promotes the idea of a better life for both myself and others.

That's why I follow the middle path. I serve my own interests without screwing over others, and I serve others without martyring myself. Predators and martyrs are what make this word a dumpster fire to live in. In their philosophies, someone's always got to lose. Predators make others lose and martyrs make themselves lose. I look for win-win solutions where possible. If I screw someone, it's because they did something bad to me or someone else and had it coming. If I help someone, I don't destroy myself to do it.


May 2, 2024 22:52

You my dear are human, animal and you have basic instincts just like me and everyone else. You may think you wouldn't act as I would act, but the truth of the matter is you are and will always be a slave to your basic instincts. And if that means taking that 20 or the larger sum you would do it. The only difference between me and you is...I'm honest about mine you though hide behined words to describe someone who doesn't exist. Put in dire circumstances the veil would slip.


May 2, 2024 23:11

Must be nice to live conscience free, but does that not restrict you in relationship connections? Would you save them in a certain situation of peril or only yourself?


May 2, 2024 23:34

I'd choose to save the life of someone I care about over a stranger if I had to choose. There might be certain limits to my altruism when it comes to the prospect of making truly dire sacrifices. Other than that, I am absolutely not going to screw over a homeless person for $20.

@Crow, you are correct. The existential quality of life for someone so fixated on their survival needs at the cost of depth of personal ideals and interpersonal connection is very poor. Some people just have low emotional intelligence, though, so they don't really have a frame of reference for what they are missing by living the way they do, so they just sort of drift on indefinitely like that until something shocks them enough to upset their status quo. Maybe even for multiple lifetimes.


May 3, 2024 06:37

@darkhorse1215 you have it so wrong, I used to feel things when I was younger, I felt my dad's presence in my bedroom in the middle of the night, I felt the lashes of a belt from my mom, I felt the school bullies punches and I felt the venom as the whittled away at any confidence left, I felt the careers guidance councillors pity as she told me I would only do well as a factory worker and I wouldn't make it in university, I felt the horrible letchy mens stares as I grew up, and I felt people's disdain and downright cruelty towards eachother, I also felt the overwhelming depression that plagued my existence until one day I caught a break, I stopped feeling anything, but instead of going down a dark path to find feeling I gave into it and decided on due merit that if I care about people they will ultimately lead me to live that life again. Once I did that I studied hard, without people's intrusion in my head, I got a job after, after going into the interview with my head held high because I didn't need anyone's approval or someone telling me I'll do ok, I already knew, I got a nice home because I now had money, and I found my one and only friend who thinks like me and for 11 years now I've travelled and seen wonder, woken up on sandy beaches and eaten caviar for breakfast. My one and only friend is the only person I would choose to save because it benefits me as in I value his presence in my life, not for money or things but because he is 100 percent open and honest with me and with himself about who and what he is just as I am, also his complete disdain for people's bulls**t. That is the only reason I wouldn't walk past the house if it was on fire. The reason for this morbid attachment to this 1 and only person is because of their morbid attachment to me, a fullfilling "relationship" to me is unwavering loyalty and devotion to me and the unit that we have made, devotion was secured with a series of tattoos and 11 years of becoming what we are now which is a couple that are socially outcast (which is how we like it) and able to experience and do whatever we want without the surge of other people's opinion about anything. The outside is where we make money, and the inside is where we sleep on real silk and drink beautiful espresso, the inside is where we watch horror for a light laugh while preparing dinner together whilst just being together no expectations apart from unwavering loyalty to only eachother and complete devotion, we are one. Who can say that, that is not idealistic and in my world a reality. I am what most would choose to be. I have found the garden of "eden" not because of anybody but because of me, I am my own god. And my one and only friend is his, and together we f**king rule. Do you still think I'm horrible or just honest, or both. Either answer is fine.


May 3, 2024 06:47

Thanks for some clarification. No, I don't think you are horrible. I relate to you more than I originally thought. I'm no callous when it comes to other people, but most of human society, I'd rather love them from a distance and not deal with their s**t. The stupid and broken ones, at least. The willingly malicious ones, f**k them. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

As long as you don't go around actively, willingly stepping on other people who have done you no wrong to get ahead, I don't think you are a bad person for saying "f**k the world" and focusing on serving yourself. There is just some danger that succeeding at material stuff and "only needing yourself" leaves an existential hole that people tend to feel after a while. A hunger for actual love of some kind or another. It's very good that you found that with someone. I relate to that concept of making such a little bubble of "Heaven on Earth"/building a lifeboat rather than going down with the sinking ship of society. That is my goal as well, and is indeed idealistic.


May 3, 2024 07:11

I wouldn't actively seek out people, to hurt bu I will say I would take the 20 and I would take the money with the note. Why because I just would, if it was the other way round they would. Being on this side of the coin is so much better because it just is so so much better, I do remember the life before I don't repress, I don't need to. I will never regret or miss the other side, why would I do that? What would I miss? Love is just an emotional fart, people say it without meaning, but showing yourself as is and devoting your whole life to someone worthy and I mean truly worthy not just because they are nice to you on a few dates or on your birthday, is by far the only connection needed. I have read a lot studied a lot and had the advantage of being on the outside, without any feelings getting in the way and what I concluded would be a lovely world if I was wrong, and I would hold my hand up and admit that readily, but I'm not, and it's not for not trying to disprove myself logically.


May 3, 2024 08:08

Although I don't completely agree, I do understand your perspective and don't fault you for having arrived at it. And I'm talking about actual love, which is rare. Not fair-weather assholes who act nice until the first challenges arise, and then throw you under the bus.

And I do feel a similar way about feeling true love with just one person being more than enough. I doubt I would be able to find a true sense of community in this world...and honestly, that's not as important to me anyways. It would be nice, but I'm not banking on it.


May 3, 2024 09:10

If I found it you can, just takes time and not giving a f**k along the way.


May 3, 2024 15:25

Well.... This was a very interesting read.

Personally, I don't think everyone would rob me if given the chance. I think a very small percent of people think and act like that, maybe 4-5%. But those that do I prefer to keep a strong distance from and strict boundaries with as they are nothing but a negative influence on my life.

Even those that would rob me given the chance, I would not rob in return simply due to the fact it's wrong, consequences or otherwise. I'd rather treat others in line with my values and how I wish to be treated as well.

Scuffed in Stourbridge

May 4, 2024 13:13

Now when I say "Schizo" I mean it purely as a term of endearment.
I am native to a rather more ironic and casual part of the internet than yourself it seems, and it's been a very fruitful decade for "Conspiracy Theories" - When I say "Schizo" I am making oblique reference to the people who we were all calling "Schizos" until a decade or so ago when things started to get visibly weird out there.
Schizo = person possessed of a degree of abnormal awareness, but likely an incomplete, and thereby confused picture.


May 4, 2024 14:14

Thanks for clarifying. I understand. I'd like to meet someone who actually has a clear picture of that s**t, if such a person even exists...who isn't part of the problem.


May 4, 2024 15:42

Doesn't schizophrenia present itself In complete ups and downs, someone being completely even could by that definition couldnt classed schizophrenic


May 4, 2024 15:44

I messed that up I'll try again...someone presenting complete ups and downs could be classified schizophrenic, but someone who has no emotion at all, well I don't think the diagnosis would be the same?


May 6, 2024 15:36

I think you're thinking of bipolar disorder which is characterized by swapping between manic or hypomanic states (ups) and depressive states (downs).

Schizophrenia is more characterized by a complete disconnect with reality (psychosis, the state of being psychotic. Not to be confused with psychopathic, which is what people often think of when they hear "psychotic"). Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, etc. Many will hear voices, believe people are out to get them when they aren't, think they have special knowledge or abilities that others do not, like the ability to read minds, think the radio is talking to them directly, see coded messages in benign things, think others can hear their thoughts, etc.


May 6, 2024 15:37

Also, schizophrenics often suffer from what is known as a "flat effect" which is classed as a negative symptom. It's described as outwardly showing no emotions. Often accompanied by anhedonia, the in ability to feel happiness or pleasure.


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