

29 - Straight

Missouri, United States

Jul 31, 2013 21:14

hi my name is sammie i have a son named eric and i love him dearly i spend my time reading, playing video games, cooking, working, fishing, camping, swimming, and i spend a lot of that time with music i cant live without music i like talking to people around my age.
things people might want to know
1) Whats your name?: Samantha Barajas-Molina
2) How old are you?: 18
3) Whats your Birthday? January 6th 1995
4) What star sign does that make it?: Capricorn
5) Whats your favorite colors?: purple, black, gray, and red
6) Whats your lucky number?: 24
7) Do you have any pets?: a dog
8) Where are you from?: Washington DC
9) How tall are you?: 5'0
10) What shoe size are you?: 7
11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?: 5
12) Is the glass half full or half empty?: half full
13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have?: super strong, super smart, super fast
14) and what would your hero name be?: ummm i dont know i would want to see what people would call me
15) and what outfit would you wear?: umm a black shirt and skinny jeans, and a small black mask that covers my eyes
16) What was your last dream about?: i was killing zombies and saving people
17) What would you do if you won the lottery?: spread it out over my friends, Church, and family, and save some for my sons college fund
18) Would you like to build/design your own house?: yes yes yes
19) Which form of public transport do you prefer?: bus
20) What talents do you have?: cooking, singing, and taking care of others
21) Can you juggle?: no i tried to learn
22) Can you solve a rubix cube?: yes it will take forever though
23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear?: no i have a brown and white dog
24) Are you psychic in any way?: no
25) Are you a good dancer?: yes i think so
26) Are you a good singer? yes been in choir all my life
27) Are you a good cook?: im a wonderful cook im going to college for culinary arts
28) Are you a good artist?: yes
29) Are you a good listener?: yes
30) Are you a good public speaker?: no
31) Are you a good babysitter? : yes kids love me
32) Are you a good mechanic? : no
33) Are you a good diplomat?: i dont know
34) Are you a good employee?: yes
35) Are you a good dresser? : i hope so
36) Are you a good swimmer? : yes
37) Are you a good skier?: never tried
38) Are you a good lover? : i would like to think so
39) Are you a good musician?: yes
40) Are you a good comedian?: no
41) Are you a good cleaner?: yes
42) Are you a good actor? :no
43) Are you a good writer?: yes
44) Have you ever been bungee jumping?: no i want to
45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking?: yes
46) What types of holidays do you prefer? : Halloween, Christmas, and my birthday
47) Whats the furthest you've ever been on holiday?: down the street to my grandmas house
48) What was your favorite holiday? Halloween
49) Where would your dream holiday be? : anywhere really
50) Can you tap dance?: no
51) Whats your favorite zoo animal?: penguins
52) Whats your favorite sport?: football
53) Whats your favorite food?
54) Whats your favorite pizza topping?: ham and pineapples
55) Whats your favorite film?: nightmare before Christmas
56) Whats your favorite song?: i dont have one
57) Whats your favorite alcoholic drink?: i have never drank and i dont care for alcohol
58) Whats your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Monster and blue Gatorade
59) Whats your favorite TV program?: dont have one
60) Whats your favorite boy band? dont have one
if you want to know more you can message me



Age: 36 / straight

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Age: 31 / bi

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Age: 23 / bi

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 36 / straight

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Age: 22 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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Age: 19 / bi

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Age: 27 / bi

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Age: 38 / straight

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Age: 29 / bi

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Age: 37 / bi

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