

37 - Straight

Denbighshire, United Kingdom

Mar 15, 2015 22:47

Im Paul, living in North Wales now I am finished with University. Took a degree in Media so film is a big interest of mine. Love a good tv show too (Game Of Thrones is my favourite!) as well as geeking out with a good documentary. My other main interest is travel. I love to head off and visit new countries and places as often as possible.

I go to gigs as often as I can and have also been to a few festivals although in the past couple of years I have skipped on them to travel abroad instead. I am a big fan of the American alternative rock scene and often listen to bands such as Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Alter Bridge and Rise Against. I do also love a bit of metal (especially In Flames). Also enjoy gaming.

As I live in such a small town it can be hard to meet people who I share interests with so I was hoping to meet like minded people through here



Age: 30 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 45 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 54 / straight

United Kingdom