

32 - Straight

Ohio, United States

May 4, 2012 10:55

READ THIS WHOLE THING, NOT JUST THIS SECTION, BUT THE WHOLE THING! Hey fellas! I'm Callie and I like unicorns and the color purple. When it comes to relationships, I am a big time hopeless romantic and I am NOT here to play games or screw around. I am serious about love and marriage and I am looking for long-term commitment. I'm looking for The One, someone to settle down with. I want someone who will love me and care, someone who will always be there.

I want someone who is sweet, romantic, funny, shmexy, fun to be around, generous, quirky, honest, creative, communicative, compromising, a real gentleman (you know, the kind that holds and opens doors, oh! and the kind that pays for dinners and going out to the movies...I've only had one of those) and most of all, faithful. Now I've really been screwed over in the past. I've been cheated on and lied to. I've only met two good men, but alas, things did not work out with them either. I'm a bit hesitant and scared of falling in love because I'm afraid of getting hurt (again). I've been through three breakups in the past six months. Not fun. They all sucked, but two of them I really thought would work out. And they didn't. And so give me some time to grieve because it still hurts, let's try to take things slow.

As many times as I get my heart broken, as many rips that it gets, I will not give up on love. I always sew myself back up, but as a result, I have a few trust issues. A few things you should know about me: when it comes to relationships, I am needy. I'm not gunna lie or try to hide it. I need lots of attention and physical affection. I'm the kinda girl that likes to talk on the phone with her boyfriend everyday and when I'm in love with someone, I want to spend every second I can with them. When I fall in love with someone I fall hard and I fall fast, and I usually end up breaking a few limbs. And I'm sick of it. I'm looking for someone who will catch me!

I need someone who responds to the fact that I enjoy the reassurance of physical contact and emotional sharing, but who helps keeps dependency in check in the relationship so that we do not lose our identities as individuals and whose character is deserving of your loyalty and affection. I need someone who desires and reciprocates intimacy as much as I do. I need someone who is extremely supportive of your goals by showing patience and a positive outlook and who also frequently acknowledges and praises my small and large accomplishments. I need someone who will be patient and supportive as I figure out your needs rather than who will rush the relationship prematurely. I need someone who seeks to understand me, thereby accepting an equal share of responsibility in maintaining open and honest communication in the relationship. I need someone who will join me in taking time to find a complete and genuine resolution to issues as opposed to avoiding conflict by settling for quick, temporary agreements.

I need someone who regards s*x as a meaningful bond between people in love and who appreciates when it is planned to some extent rather than completely spontaneous. I need someone whose highest priority is our relationship and is willing to do the hard work to keep a transcendent level of love alive in the relationship. I need someone who can express affection through tangible surprises – such as fun gifts he makes, souvenirs purchased on business trips or beautiful tokens or presents that show he remembers and celebrates special occasions. This does not mean that I neither like nor need time with a partner. I very much do, but rather, it suggests that I need someone who can show affection in ways other than just spending time with me – such as talking at home, taking leisurely strolls outside or extended road trips.

I am currently a full-time student at the University of Toledo. I am going into my sophomore year and I am majoring in Religious Studies and Women's Studies. After I get my Bachelors degrees, I plan to get my Masters in Mental Health Counseling. From there I'd like to go to Interfaith Seminary School in New York for a couple of years to become a Reverand. Then I'd like to go to Cherry Hill Seminary, just virtually though, they're online classes and ultimatley I'd like to start my own Pagan "Church" on a land that I will make a Nature Preserve, and possibly establish an eco-friendly commune. So yes. I said it. I'm Pagan. Wiccan. If you have a problem with it, don't bother messaging, because my religion is what keeps me going through the hard times. It is enduring, it is my rock. At some point, when I'm in my middle-twenties, I'd like to get married and have children. I do not plan on sticking around the Toledo Area, so if you like it here, don't bother messaging. I'd like to move to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, or Canada. So that's my plan.

Some of my favorite books are The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, All Over Creation, and I'm currently reading and enjoying Carnagie Medalist Terry Pratchett's book, The Wee Free Men.

My favorite movies are Sweeney Todd, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Chicago, The Shining, Repo! the Genetic Opera, Titanic, The Notebook, and what's that more recent movie with Leonardo Dicaprio in it...I can never remember the name...oh! Shutter Island.

My favorite shows include Family Guy, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Say Yes to the Dress, MonsterQuest, Project Runway, What Not to Wear, and My Fair Wedding with David Tutera.

My favorite types of music are alternative, nineties, electro, folk, symphonic metal, and victoriandustrial.

My favorite bands/artists are HIM, Blood on the Dance Floor, J Bigga, SJ Tucker, The Duhks, Emilie Autumn, Bowling for Soup, Violent Femmes, and Voltaire.

My favorite foods are garlic mashed potatoes or lasagna from Bravo's or my dad's speghetti. I'm a meat and potatoes kinda girl but I also love Italian!

You should message me if: You think I'm attractive. You like my profile. You're not shallow. You're looking for a serious long-term relationship. DO NOT mesage me if you're not single, or if you're just looking for s*x, or if you have a problem with my religion, if you like the Toledo Area and wouldn't consider moving, if you don't like talking on the phone, or if you can't deal with me being needy when it comes to relationships. Also, if you DO message me, DO NOT say something like "what's up" or "how are you". Be interesting, deep, and blunt, possibly be funny.



Age: 18 / bi

United States


Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 47 / straight

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Age: 18 / bi

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Age: 37 / straight

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Age: 35 / straight

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Sweet Kat

Age: 27 / straight

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Age: 25 / bi

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 30 / bi

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Age: 25 / straight

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Age: 28 / bi

United States