

53 - Straight

Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Dec 31, 2014 17:03

My mission: To write something on this that doesn't make me sound too crazy or too dull.

My Purpose: Well I am single... but at the time of writing I more would like to chat to and perhaps form friendships with like minded individuals. My heart is currently feeling a little punch-drunk.

How do you define a person? Well I am not really a mystery or an enigma, though I'd admit to complicated. I prize loyalty and integrity in myself and my friends though I'd never say I was perfect. I studied originally to be an astrophysicist, I also joined a band which then promptly fell apart, I had a stint as a stage magician (when much younger), and I am something of a frustrated actor and director - though I do have an entry on IMDB for my minor film appearances After all that though I ended up working with computers after teaching myself the basics. Which just goes to show that I need a SatNav for my life. As well as all that I am a table top gamer and roleplayer and also a Live Action Roleplayer, which about now makes me sound like I'm auditioning for "the Big Bang Theory" rather than describing myself. I was born in Liverpool, am approximately one quarter Scottish (which manifests as am excuse to wear a kilt occasionally) one quarter English and one half unknown, probably genetically engineered. That also means that the inappropriate humour and occasional lapse into sarcasm is intrinsic rather than an affectation. If you've made it this far I commend you as this stopped being an essay some time ago and has morphed into some kind of self-indulgent stream of consciousness.

Right, what else? Well I act my age even less than most men I'm afraid. I still enjoy going out clubbing and dancing, though I find it incredibly surreal at some alternate clubs were most of the people want to dance to songs as old as they are, while I am standing about waiting for something more up to date. Though there have been some nights that I rarely left the dance floor. I used to be a Goth/Industrial DJ, and I still like to turn a shift at it given the opportunity. I like most metal and rock, though preferably more recent stuff than my age would suggest. Though I am much happier with Goth, Industrial and EBM. My favourite band of all time is Nine Inch Nails, my favourite film of all time is "the Crow" so that's all those clichés dealt with and we can now move on

So to sum up I'm a rivethead wannabe scientist/actor/entertainer/dancer/dj that occasionally puts plate armour on and runs about screaming,

Damn that sounds a wee bit crazy doesn't it?

"honest, reliable, caring, weirdo" (Thank's Japanica - not an endorsement but I thought her phrase summed me up quite well.)



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