
Stir The Megamycete Stew PotPhoto AlbumsMy appearance. Read comments for reasoning with not a lot of pictures

One of my favorite's I did take this picture like two years ago. I had to look at my Instagram to dig this up lol
3 people loved this photo


Stir The Megamycete Stew Pot
Jun 30, 2022 19:41

you look crazy as f**k

Jun 30, 2022


Is that the worse you can do? You're blocked your words no longer hurt me as I was called beaver in school, you look like a rat and you got rooster teeth. People would take their hands to their mouth and make chattering noises sounding like a rat or a beaver I've gotten over the name calling but not the trauma. So your troll was ineffective. People like you that bully others is why I've suffered such severe trauma that still effects me till this very day you know how bad that is? I can't even go back to school or get my GED in person because the trauma of bullying is so bad. Only way I would go back is if I can do online. Yeah the name calling doesn't effect me anymore. I just have flashbacks. I hope one day you will find kindness in your heart not to bully people online because you don't know their trauma.
Stir The Megamycete Stew Pot
Aug 1, 2022 07:01
Here are some other things you shouldn't do. If any of these bother you then you don't have to say anything at all and quietly leave my profile instead of leaving me an inbox message

I don't respond to people saying hey gorgeous, hey pretty,  hey beautiful and stuff like that because did you not read the very first sentence of my profile that's not what I'm looking for? Also since I don't like wasting time then I won't waste your time reading my profile. People that aren't neurodivergent friendly should step far away from my profile, people that are stuck in the olden days about Autism stigma, people that think Autism people can't take care of themselves, we can't have a life, we're weird, your a psycho and I can't tell you how many times in real life or someone online changed their mannerism into something dark, cold, rude and as soon as I  opened my mouth about being Autistic their personality changed instantly for the worse, basically an Autistic person gets treated like a dog, someone that doesn't tolerate Autism, doesn't accept physical disabilities, if you find my behavior quirky or weird because of my Autism, If you can't accept I don't like phone calls and will try to avoid them as possible because I don't like talking unless prompted to or has a reason to be spoken to/must answer someone in person, if you're  bothered that my almost 11 year old young prince will be 11 sometime in November, not a gamer, not spiritual accepting * I don't push my beliefs on anyone even though there is a high assumption from my old account that is deleted. I deleted my account not the admins by the way, I'm psychopathic because of this and my Autism, If you don't understand Japanese Yurei  or find I'm into Japanese folklore culture and base my looks off of them, will not check out my comment section in my photographs on my album, has nothing more to give/be creative in their inbox and lastly more importantly if you can't accept me for who I'm then you simply don't need to message me at all

My mortality standard is and I say this because people say I'm an evil or harmful person online. Keep in your brain that these are comments made based on my profile, the person never spent time with me texting me back and forth getting to know me etc.

Disabled animals deserve rights as well. Being disabled doesn't mean anything bad, you just can't be responsible enough to be kind to others with disabilities. Senior animals should also be adopted. Adopt, don't shop! Also I think it's funny people in real life and online will verbally attack for having some kind of disability. How would you react if your family member had a disability or your own child? Would you be sadistic enough to say your Autistic son or daughter should be put down? What then? Don't do reverse psychology on me because I will swing harder because being a victim of psychological abuse and severe bullying for almost all my life and what is that implying you might ask? That's a simple question for me to answer and here you go. I can take several hits of verbal attacks online and can dish them right back 10 times harder. Because I'm sure if this was legal and given an option I'm sure half of the people would vote to put Autism people to sleep. You humans are what makes me so vile and hateful. My mind is pitch black because of you.

There were a few people that said I could possibly be a possibly dangerous person on my old account. That is because of my spiritual poetry. Yeah you're correct, people got extremely triggered of my profile. Some people went full on insane and started verbally abusing me. But here you go.

Which reminds me, many years ago like several I rescued a poor hamster nobody wanted at Petco because he had red eyes like bright red eyes. I think he was either a Russian dwarf hamster or a Roborovski dwarf hamster. He was one of those dwarf hamsters, the one that has a lot of brown tones and a black stripe on the back of the hamster. Their normal eye color is black or dark red. Some reason the hamster that nobody wanted had bright red eyes. I did ask the Petco worker there why nobody wanted him. He goes because of his bright red eyes and he doesn't like to be held. Then he says he is free to adopt and with his cage as well. When my mom was alive we took him and called him Demonic Bob haha. But yeah I did rescue a lot of unwanted rodents back in my time when my mom was alive because either something was wrong with their personality or didn't like cuddles/being held. I also every Christmas will buy a Fancy Feast ornament so I can support the Purple Leash Project. No domestic abuse should exist and many domestic abuse in animals is because of this one simple thing. Because people are irresponsible with owning pets and people will always think this animal is so cute etc and this is my belief on why some people shouldn't own pets. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone returns an animal to a pet store or a shelter because the personality is not what he or she wants. No person on this planet Earth should ever think about adopting a pet if he or she thinks like that. Just because you think an animal is cute/cuddly doesn't mean that animal will behave that way. Your moral standards and morality standards are -0 in my wolf eyes and nothing will change my mind. I've written a blog about this but one of my family members, my ex aunt, disowned me after I refused to talk to her because she caused a scene in a public parking lot and someone in a car saw our yelling and screaming going on. The fight was about my ex aunt finding out I was Autistic and she says that is making me sound like I'm psychopathic. She also laughed at me when I told her I have borderline intellectual disorder. She also was telling me that SSI will never help me ever and that Workforce won't help me. Basically my ex aunt has an obsession with me sacking groceries. She was also asking me as well that I should quit SSI, my Tri County caseworker and quit Workforce and find myself a job because nobody would help me.  But yes I was disowned because of being Autistic. But that's fine. because 90 percent of Autistic people get treated like dogs or animals. But yeah you can read that public parking lot fight in my blogs. As you can see I've detailed verbal abuse from an ex family member and trauma. On my old account people couldn't really figure out where my trauma was coming from and I even gave them a source and reasoning why my trauma is bad and still didn't understand. Some people are just that stupid online.

I also had a fair share of crazy people on my past account. Here are some of the omg are you serious? Yeah, all this happened over asking someone nicely that he has to read my profile and I will not accept no for an answer. 

A person behaved this way after I told him no you've to read my profile whenever you get the chance etc and  he sent me a message on my old deleted account and he said he wouldn't and I asked him nicely in the sentence I just said now, then he started to go full on fruit cake/full on family size box of coco for coco puffs. Some users on here are very psycho. So I might become very standoffish by the way. But anyways this is what he messaged me.

Someone tried to exorcise me on my old deleted profile a few months ago lmao and I’m also so sad I didn’t screenshot the message he sent me. I should've screenshot this but I was too busy baffled on why someone would even say this online? The insanity level is high + hilarious as all Hell that someone got so offended and triggered over a profile then turned into some insane fruit cake haha.

He said he was from a moon cult and he was going to exorcise my spiritual powers and barriers so after a few minutes passed and I’m like what did you do to me? You’re so weak and he blocked me instantly after that. He is still here. His user is called SEVENMOONSPELLS and funny enough his picture is of some male moon witch. Omg seriously people on here. I thought I had ''problems'' there are some people on here that are really deranged.

And this was the most hilarious moment.

Someone thought I was his ex wife and I had to report him 4 times on Instagram and blocked him 4 times to get him to stop harassing me. This caused me to change my Instagram username. Also just to let people know I only have one Snap and Discord account. There have been rumors going around that pop up ever so often that I've multiple accounts and harassing a female on Discord. Two friends of mine blocked me and this weird Discord server chat popped up called Xposed or something like that saying I'm on there and someone is using my profile picture. But why? The picture is of Leon Scott Kennedy. Like omg. I went to screenshot the friend that blocked me before I could even message him wtf he was talking about but when I clicked on the Xposed server and clicked back my friend's account was gone/the message he sent me was gone. I only have one Discord account and if you see someone else mimicking my account that's not me and you need to report them. I only have one account for Snap and Discord. I've two emails, however. One is personal and one is for online friends just in case there is someone that doesn't do social media.

The person that thought I was his ex wife was captain17morgan and he is still on here and also he called me by his ex wife's name as well. What a shame I didn't screenshot this but I had to take action quick and fast before he did something more extreme. He was like hey Nikki, I'm the only one that understands your pain and I'll be your prince forever.

Omg you people on here are wild sometimes and nuttier than a true family size fruit cake/family size box of coco for coco puffs.

Also for my social media all  I own is Snap, Instagram, Discord and Outlook on my mobile. But due to crazy people online I don’t use my real name in my social media and you should know I’m far from fake and just because I don't have every social media on the block doesn't make me fake. I just have zero desire for having every single social media app out there. I don't use Line or WhatsApp because the company wants your real life cellphone number and that's a huge no for me.  However, for Twitter I'm not sure yet but probably will be used to promote my ACNH isle for tour rules. Oh yeah I've been a permanently deleted user on FB since 2016-2017 due to the heavy stalking and people making multiple accounts trying to attack me. I completely left and someone could pay me $100 and I would never go back there and if you want my honest opinion like seriously, I don't even miss FB like 0.  By the way I’m not 12 and I personally think that people that steal other people's photos and use them to say that they're in the picture is child grade trolling and I'm not into that kind of trolling. I like video game trolling and not someone behaving like a 12 year old on the internet that is into stealing people's pictures on the internet. Another thing as well I posted my blog link on the very first Leon Scott Kennedy profile picture on my albums. Also I've had other horrible encounters here, but I made the story experience here on my blogs etc. So you would've to catch the rest there etc
Stir The Megamycete Stew Pot
Aug 11, 2022 09:12
Some people have asked me why I respond to people then block them? The simple answer is this. I like my last word and I'm sure there are several people that are like that. Also I'm sure since some people are dumb enough on here that I'm sure he or she would probably type out a gigantic essays of a comeback and then notice the message didn't get sent. I don't want my account banned but I recently grilled someone. How did this argument start? Well easy. Every once in a while I get these people asking if I've a Personality Disorder attached with my Autism lol. I'm also making a lengthy description about why I want people to stop asking me if I've Psychosis. I recently had to send a message to this person as well. I don't have Psychosis. I tested negative and for one none of my family members knew what Autism was back when I was born otherwise they would've done something about my misdiagnosis for 10 years.

People have a hard time understanding spirituality isn't even and not a psychosis behavior. It's natural for the human race to deny people that believe or roam in the Aether. It's the fear of the unknown that people have.

^ I should've responded as well that people think everything is racist nowadays, even a cartoon character seems like to me someone has more of a Personality Disorder than I'll ever have one.

Here is my grill reply for the other guy that was asking if I had a Personality Disorder with my Autism.

Autism is a neurological disorder. It's not classified as a Personality Disorder. I hope you and everyone else on here that believes that Autism comes from a personality trait problem that you seek out education. Many people see Autism as people with personality disorder because they themselves don't understand Autism people get very weird in a situation that is overstimulating for them. That doesn't mean the person has a Personality Disorder or a sign of Schizophrenia. What that means is that person is overstimulated. Having a sensory overload isn't a sign of a personality disorder trait and it seems like you're one of those few whack jobs that believe in those kinds of things. Can I tell you something? You do understand right? Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia are both separate right? If that weren't the case then mental health doctors wouldn't ''separately put them on mental health charts. Autism is now called Autistic Spectrum Disorder because for some reason doctors like changing this crap up. Because in 2017 I was called Aspergers and in 2020 I was called Autistic Disorder then in 2022 my case provider now is saying the new term is Autism Spectrum Disorder. Anyways no I don't have a personality disorder. It's called a long gigantic education profile because people like you can't tell apart an Autistic person, someone with a personality disorder and Schizophrenia. Maybe if you did some research then maybe you can figure out what diagnosis is for all these THREE SEPARATE DISORDERS. Also there is no cure for Autism. You got a lot of crazy doctors out there that think Autism will go away on its own (I've faced one recently) what a damn lizard she was. You got doctors out there that think antidepressants will get rid of Autism. You got doctors out there that think ADHD medication will cure us. But before I let you go a lot of people accuse us of being rude or psycho because we don't like making eye contact or knowing how to be normal around social situations. But nah if anything if I had a personality disorder it would be I'm sick and tired of all these f'ucks like you and these goddamn lizard people telling me ''why is your mental illness still affecting you'' basically what that means is how is your Autism still affecting you. Yeah sounds like to me the lizard people have more of a personality disorder than I will ever come close to one you f'uck. Oh right if I were to say I worship Loki you probably will call me someone with Schizophrenia when in reality that is a belief. Go f'uck yourself and enjoy your block.

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