
Cun-T 🍔Photo AlbumsDefault Album

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Cun-T 🍔
Sep 8, 2020 19:09
Why random locations? Because I feel like doing so. However you can probably guess which one I live @ in the physical realm and of course the spiritual realm. However I will not give you my zip code or what town or city I live. I also will not tell you my last name. Or anything like that I can give you my birthday but my first and birthday information is what you will be getting. If you've a problem where all my contacts in the further comments are fake usernames then that's your problem. I will keep my life very private. Most people are psychopaths these days and I feel for my safety and others around me that I should be responsible and keep my life extremely private. My dad is 59 so please do the math of what age limit would be the max. If you're saying 45 then you're correct on that. I've no Snappy. Twitter. What is this app. Satanic + evil + toxic to the vessel FB. What contacts I've listed on further contacts is what you will see and get! So don't ask!

Each account is a prismatic hue and different information!

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