
Mandela effect

Mandela effect

Todosinfin Created Aug 27, 2018 15:34

Does anyone have an example of a Mandela effect or a explanation to why it exist?


This topic has 23 comments

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Aug 27, 2018 16:28

Mass hysteria!

But seriously, it's nothing crazy like alternative dimensions blah blah, the simple explanation is: time travel. Someone keeps changing small things, but you only notice if it effects something you knew to be something else, and anyone born after whatever has changed will only know the new future.

I remember it being on the news the first time around when Mandela died in prison in the late 80's early 90's. I was at my grandad's house.


Aug 27, 2018 16:57

True... The one that got to me is I clearly remember from Star Wars Darth Vader saying "Luke, I am your father" when now they're saying it actually goes "No, I am your father"

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Aug 27, 2018 20:42

Its funny because I often heard "luke, I am your father" as being a miss quote. So a few years back I made a point of watching it and he definitely said "luke, I am your father"... except the actual quote came out as "No luke, I am your father".

"Obi wan never told you what happened to your father"
"He told me you killed him"
"No luke, I am your father"
"Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat???"

The other lines are around abouts, but this is the context. Even james earl jones remembers saying "luke.

Jack of all Trades

Aug 27, 2018 21:39

There was this '90s movie called Kazaam that starred Shaquille O'Neal as a genie. A lot of people remember another comedy movie with a genie that is called Shazaam, starring Sinbad. But this movie never existed.

I found out about the Mandela/Mengele effect in an episode from The X-Files earlier this year. (Check out Season 11, Episode 4: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat, it's funny as hell).


Aug 27, 2018 22:21

Ha... I've heard of the Shazam one too, so could it be people get the two confused with one being it never existed? But if so why the coincidence that everyone mistakes it for the exact movie that supposedly never existed in the first place?

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Deleted User

Aug 27, 2018 23:33

The memory is an odd place.
Just ask mine


Aug 28, 2018 00:03

Lol... Right on, it's like they say "every mind is a universe of is own"

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Aug 29, 2018 19:57

I thought Shaq was a wrestler lol

Jack of all Trades

Sep 1, 2018 23:38

A lot of people swear Tim Burton directed A Nightmare Before Christmas, which is incorrect. He was a producer.

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Deleted User

Sep 1, 2018 23:56

Shaq was first and foremost, a beast center in the NBA, lol. I think he's appeared on WWE television several times though.

Also, I could give a winded, analytical PoV, with regard to the. Mandela effect, butttttt.... I don't wanna bore

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Deleted User

Sep 2, 2018 02:45

Shaq sponsored double decker tacos when they first came out and that's still my favorite. PS I tried it cause I loved tacos not shaq, Barkley should have sponsored them....and won a ring

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Deleted User

Sep 2, 2018 02:45

Shaq sponsored double decker tacos when they first came out and that's still my favorite. PS I tried it cause I loved tacos not shaq, Barkley should have sponsored them....and won a ring

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Deleted User

Sep 2, 2018 13:46

@Rattlehead, thank you for that warm, inviting welcome. I'm new here. It's a good thing I'm not shy or sensitive, otherwise you may have hurt my feelings.

@crowbar, Luc Longely was my favorite center


Sep 2, 2018 13:50

Oooh oooh I actually know something about sporty stuff. Luc Longley is an Aussie from Perth... I think.

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Deleted User

Sep 2, 2018 15:59

Ya for a team that didn't need a center. Triangle offense bitches. Or however Will Smith said it

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Deleted User

Sep 2, 2018 18:24

@Deathlyshade, yeah, he's from Australia I believe. He was a part of that mid-90s Chicago Bulls team.

@crowbar, pretty much. That team was stacked all around though. My man Rodman 😎 .


Sep 3, 2018 12:35

😊 I only know about cricket really.


Sep 8, 2018 00:52

The simplest possible explanation without too mutch complicated terminology is this: your brain is not a camera, it filters the data it receives and connects it in the most efficient way to be compact but usable To recall the whole situation your brain fills in those gaps with logical reasoning and a little guess work. For instance the monopoly dude, he doesnt wear a monocle but hia clothing and hat suggest that he should have one because it fits the same time period and social class.

The mandela effect has to my knowledge never been fully researched however so this explanation is just one of several theories.


Sep 14, 2018 02:05

Another example of this effect is the Kennedy car. Someone was explaining this to me and asked me to describe how I remember the car looking. Obviously I've never seen it in person but I've seen tons of photos. The way I described it was as a big convertible with TWO doors. This is not an uncommon description of the car. They then told me to look up pictures of the Kennedy car and it's pictured everywhere with FOUR doors. Also if you look at those pictures they just Hard to explain.


Sep 15, 2018 03:59

Beorson has nailed it. With the passage of time your memories sort of fade and you piece it together with what "you remember" fun fact to boot Deja Vu is nothing more that synaptic delay. Your senses experience something but your brain takes a moment to process it and bring it to the attention of your contentious mind creating a latency issue making you think you've experienced more than once .


Sep 15, 2018 04:02

Experienced something more than once^^^


Sep 15, 2018 08:30

Just yesterday my 5 year old asked me what Deja Vu was and I was trying to figure out how to explain it to her. That's a perfect way to describe it.

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Sep 15, 2018 13:03

Well I have my own theory on deja vu.
And it can be easy lead to think that the car was a two -door just for the fact most cars like that are two door. Or at least the cool ones


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