

35 - Straight

messina, Italy

Nov 14, 2013 16:42

Drums, guitars, tunnels, gigs, long hair, rugby, history, Star Wars, comedy, mountain biking, fitness, music, nature, outdoors-y-ness, astronomy and assorted other goodies. More of a thinker than a talker. Ponders the meaning/chaos/fragility/beauty of existence. Major issues with politics and religion. Send 'believers' to Mars. Blow the s**t out of each other up there leave the Earth to rational people, cheers. Opinionated but reasonable, apart from the Mars thing. Certainly no academic but not a Jeremy Kyle guest. Often baffled by obsession with the superficial. There is beauty everywhere, not just where we choose to see it. Guilty of that myself as much as anyone I suppose. Try to remember to cherish each moment. Grains of sand in an hour glass and all that jazz. Missed a moment to cherish whilst typing that. Hmm. Not good at these things, can turn into sounding like a job application. Work well individually or as part of a team.