

36 - Straight

Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Jul 22, 2013 20:15

Perhaps it be nice to open this thing with a joke.


Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat says to the other, 'You stay here, I'll go on a head.'.

save your tumble weeds and awkward silences, for I have many more terrible jokes at my disposal!

so yeah, this thing.

I'm a pretty easy going guy with a weird imagination from a town called Atherton, bit of a relaxed, laid back attitude but I'll still pay attention to the world around me. I enjoy movies, gaming , heavy metal and anything else I find catchy, animation, illustration, other art and stand up comedy, along with friendly chatter and good times with friends. I work in retail for the most part but am pushing for higher education within the animation world. I have this dream to become a cartoonist which I've held quite close to for a long time. I'm told I'm quite modest, which I can understand, I tend not to big myself up a lot cos I think It just makes me look like a bit of a**** I'm more interested in other peoples stories and hearing peoples experiences of awesome and silly things they've been up to. I'm not too shy of light hearted or even in-depth conversation of just about anything with anyone once I start to feel comfortable around them. I love to talk ideas and such or even just listen. Essentially I'm a standard nerd who loves good stories and creativity. I do tend to have a hard time 'playing down' my love for the nerdy geeky stuff I love, be it a game trailer I just saw or a recent episode of whatever it is I'm obsessed with that week, so yeah.. that's a thing.
I'm looking for a like minded person - someone that's up for going out and having fun at the weekend but can also enjoy a night in with some good / bad films to watch, light hearted and good natured person who I could stay up all night talking too. There is nothing I love more than someone who I can have an interesting and exciting conversation with about hobbies, interests and ideas.

I guess some other random examples of things I enjoy would be appropriate for this thing as well. so lets start with telly shows.

Doctor Who, Archer, Black Books, Spaced, Only Fools, South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, CSI, Mighty Boosh, Monty Phython, Scrubs, Arrested Development, Bottom, Young Ones, Bo-Selecta, Naruto, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist, etc. etc.

Movie shows.
Starwars, Dark Knight, Avengers, Clerks 1 and 2, (I keep turning round to look at my DVD collection.... I'm bored) etc etc.

well, you get the idea I hope. I'm sure if you fancy a chat or something you can ask me whatever else you would like to know.

oh and I also got one of them Tumblr blogs like a true Internet addict, might give you another window into what kind of stuff I like -



Age: 25 / straight

Greater Manchester
United Kingdom

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Age: 43 / straight

Greater Manchester
United Kingdom