

55 - Straight

Nova Scotia, Canada

May 19, 2009 05:00

Well, I'm sure I am in the same situation as a lot of people. The folks that you meet when you go out are either drunk, shallow, kinda dumb or kinda messed up. It's hard to find someone my age (ahem) that is still interested in music, still looks good and isn't scooped up already. I'm pretty flexible on the whole "looks" issue. I like character definately. One thing I don't like is the whole goatee/baseball hat/beer or "the party has arrived" t-shirt kind of look that's so popular. It would be cool if someone is between 30 and 40, likes bands like Wilco and Bright Eyes, British Invasion and Motown and isn't rude when someone is playing Top 40, but maybe dies just a little inside. Details: 40 years old, Italian Canadian, 5'4", 135lbs, no idea what my natural hair colour is anymore, pale as hell, pretty smart, kinda funny, nice (ish). I'd be into a pen pal kind of scenario. I'd love to hear about what people are listening to lately and stuff. Take care.