

32 - Straight

Ontario, United States

Apr 28, 2009 17:35

Im Tenna...Im queit, shy, anti-social until you get to know me. Loud, and wild when I get to know you. Im always willing to listen to people. Im straight edge. Feel free to chat with me at x - aki _ . no . _ ame - x at HTML.

I love horror movies, art, horses, music and animals.
I love Zombieeeezzzz. and blood. They're so…cool .
I love to draw. (Mostly horses and dragons, but shh.) Photoshop is the best program ever. Flash is good, but I don’t use it as much.
As for music, AFI and Avenged Sevenfold are my favourite bands. I listen to alot of screamo and heavy metal, but my music tastes range from anywhere to classic rock, indie, jrock/jpop, to screamo, death metal, gothcore, metalcore, etc......I absolutely hate rap and greenday though.
When I get older, my life dream is to be a Vet. I did Co-op at school, and I loved it. It’s definitely something I would love to do for the rest of my life. I just love animals. I always have, and I always will.
Loving animals is the reason why I decided to become a Vegetarian. I dont think that eating meat is wrong (I believe in evolution, and understand the whole food chain thing), but I think the way we, as humans in general, treat animals in meat/fur farms is horrible. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the taste of meat, but its just a small sacrafice I had to make.
I LOVE to play Rockband. Especially the drums and guitar. ♥ ~ Its just so damn fun.
I care about the environment, and I think you should too.
I have probably twice the amount of enemies than friends… well…better make that triple. Im pretty much hated by everyone

If I were to sum myself up using three words, they would be:

And, on some occations, I would throw in the word “special” and “careless” as well.
Because Im more special than you are, and I couldnt care less about what you think

See ya ‘round.