

31 - Straight

South Carolina, United States

Jul 16, 2013 18:42

Brians the name and Liberal thinking is my game.

I guess Im kind of like the modern day hippie. Im a veggetarian. I will not contribute to the meat industry and their factorys of death where they commit genocide by the thousands every day. I find it disgusting.

Ill listen to any type of music as long as I can really relate to it and if I cant relate to it.....
it better have some kick as instumentals or make me wanna drive with my windows down.

I love to read fantasy. Anything that lets me escape all the rules and boringness of the society we live in and into a world where anything can happen. The sky is the limit.

My style alternates by how I feel that day. Sometimes it can be punk rocker, preppy rocker, ooooooor Ill just bum it. But all in all I dont believe in labels.
I am what I am, and I wont be shoved into a clique or be tagged by society. Im me. Deal with it or f**k off you pretentious prick.

Im just lookin for a chick that can handle that I am a really sensitive guy who is ACTUALLY looking for something real.
The Yin to my Yang. The sticks to my drums. The Strings to my guitar. However you wanna put it, Im just lookin for my other half. And rocker chicks know how to treat a guy or just make a few new pen pals. Feel free to hit me up with any questions. Tickle it.


Sleepy Skaterboy

Age: 25 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 26 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 35 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 22 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 37 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 39 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 25 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 26 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 34 / bi

South Carolina
United States

Just Brian

Age: 33 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 33 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 46 / straight

South Carolina
United States