

30 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

May 26, 2013 02:19

Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things

Sheldon: I wouldn't tell you the secret. (pause) Shhhhh!!!!
Leonard: What secret? Tell me the secret.
Sheldon: Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is okay with it, but we can't tell dad.
Leonard: Not that secret, the other secret.
Sheldon: I'M BATMAN!!!! SHHHH!!!

Fear the nobodies

So? I guess you wanna know about me huh?

I'm joey
I'm a huge midnight beast fan Stefan Abingdon is so s*xy!!
I'm 19 I have a tattoo of a triquetra on my wrist I also have snakebites and my left ear stretched I'm a geek? But then again who isn't these days wearing a batman or superman t-shirt ? That actually pisses me off because 99% of the time the people who wear them have no idea of the backing story or the comics im pretty sure most of them cant tell the difference between dc and marvel no seriously I dare you to ask them who stan Lee is . I wear the t-shirts because I'm a fan you wear them because it's fashion piss off anyway like I said I'm a geek dc,marvel,transformers,lord of the rings, charmed, big bang theory, back to the future, horror films owning over 300 their isnt a lot i havent seen huge Kevin smith and Jason mewes fan they are like gods to me! :L music is a big part of my life I listen to everything from the doors to disturbed so if your into music you should message me :') read quite a lot and spend most my money on true crime books because I wanna be a criminologist some day please don't bother messaging me if your after s*x or just say how are you because I will not reply try put something interesting into the message

What I'm after?
Well I'm not gonna lie I do have a type I seem to go for guys with long hair and beards I need someone to make me smile someone who gives me the stupid little butterflys someone who I think about day and night he should be romantic and before you ask that doesn't mean buying me stuff it means sending a txt in the day just saying he's thinking of me someone that can wrap his arms around me and kiss my cheek someone who I can fall madly in love with and who feels the same :') think your him then please message ^.^

Note if you look like newton faulkner I will marry you!!!!!

"Yeah, MySpace, what the hell is that? Seriously, is that like some sort of p**n site?"



Age: 36 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 20 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 25 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 28 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom