

42 - Straight

Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Apr 25, 2009 07:15

I'm a rock chick at heart and love to have as much fun as possiable. I have a tendency to go a little crazy from time to time, which usually means i can be found dancing around the kitchen with a mop in my hand, playing air guitar, to some classic rock tune. Don't get me wrong though becase I can at times be one of the most chilled out and relaxed people you will ever come across. I believe In treating people with the respect that they treat me with, so if you are a nice person, who is honest and careing then i'll be the same in return. If on the other hand you are a complete a**hole then you may as well just call me MEGABITCH! I love to help people out, and if i have something that someone need's, then aslong as i myself don't need whatever it may be, then they are welcome to it. I aint a fool though and don't take kindly to anyone trying to play me for one.



Age: 34 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 50 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 54 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom

Hannah Louise

Age: 27 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 25 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 45 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom