

37 - Straight

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Oct 25, 2018 03:51

Apparently I'm a bit of a geek, that's ok though. It gives me an excuse to love my PS3 a little to much, get just a little excited about the thought of a zombie apocalypse and get so into some tv series that when the network decided to have a mid season break I cry a little on the inside and get withdrawal symptoms.

So I'm 26, have hair that changes on almost a weekly basis, a few tattoos and listen to anything from acdc, guns'n'roses to anything completely cheesy that most people would be embarrassed to listen to. I work for Vodafone, love my job, but on the down side even with staff discounts I spend stupid amounts of money on contracts where I just can't wait ti get a new phone.

Pet hate, people who actually say LOL! Type it by all means but when you actually say it u sound like a t**t! I mean seriously, just laugh ....ggggrrrrrrr



Age: 23 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / bi

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / bi

West Sussex
United Kingdom

Tympeä kirpeä piimä

Age: 22 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom