

40 - Straight

Accra, Ghana

Aug 20, 2012 08:37

I am down to earth kind of person.First of all i am animist pagan and want to learn to become a Solitary Wicca.I belong to an online pagan community.I am a teacher full time and flight dispatcher part in the civil aviation, so it make me busy at times, but i have time for those who have time for me.I do not make those who takes me to be an option as my priority ,though i love everyone equally.I am addicted to country music because its calms me down for my spiritual activity.I do respect those in the pagan world embraces wicca and goths.I am very calm person and talk less and a self sufficient kind of person.I don't agree with money love ,so if you will date me because of material gain then back off.I am a soccer fum though i don't know how to play it,i belong to the street though i don't live on the street,meaning i love going out a lot.I operate small inter and intra travel and tour ,so that makes travel as my hobby in my life.I do not discriminate ,though i hate blemish,cheats and unfaithfuls.I maybe too old to you but too younger to someone but in all personality and long lasting relationship is what am looking for.I will be the heart of the relationship so be my queen.


Samuel Owusu

Age: 23 / straight



Age: 19 / straight
