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46 - Straight

Dumbartonshire, United Kingdom

Jun 16, 2012 21:42

I see myself as an earthy women, I love being outside, photography and music (worked for a record company for 4 years) I left to move to Scotland. I am a vegetarian and love cooking and drinking good wine with good people. My Fav thing to cook is Italian food, and would love to master home made pasta one day. I have a daughter who is 6. I am at a point in my life where lots has changed and I am looking forward to seeing where the wind blows me in 2012. I see my self as very grounded person, and know what I want...most of the time. I have my spiritual (not religious) side which is really important to me as is being a vegetarian, for me the two kinda go hand in hand, i also love to be near water and love the ocean. I am very down to earth, but still like to dream and enjoy interesting conversation.

Hmm what am I looking for, I guess. Someone who is ready to explore life with a good friend, who can have interesting conversation and also be funny and fun. Spiritual, vegetarian and open and honest. if you think that you have some of these qualities I would be pleased to hear from you. x



Age: 22 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 50 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 45 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 23 / bi

United Kingdom