

43 - Bi

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Feb 15, 2025 12:54

Speak to me (and don't constantly view) or GTFO my profile, respectfully of course.

I'm too thick too argue.
Can't hear you over all of this ass.
-2025 mood.

• Somewhat sweary, remarkably articulate.
• Excellent pattern recognition - meaning I can remember who views and how many times
• When the devil sent his worst demon...I sent it back crying.
• When I'm an old lady I want to be one of those women that has a house full of plants, weird rocks and crystals, that just looks after her animals, paints and minds her own business with her crazy hair.
• My music will tell you more about me than I ever will.
• Not to sound c**ky as s**t, but I'm a f**king good person with a big heart and I deserve a lot more than the s**tty hand that life has dealt me thus far.
• Not everyone is going to think I'm gorgeous, amazing and magical. They're wrong though. d**kheads.
• I am 420 friendly, due to a couple of really bad experiences with a couple of users, if you are a heavy user, I won't be interested (sorry folks).
• No recent photo of yourself on your profile: Not interested.
• Friends only to start with.

UK Only.
No emotionally immature people please (mention no names, but you know who you are, my darlings).



Age: 27 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 27 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / gay

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 22 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 43 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom

She belongs dead

Age: 37 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom