

33 - Straight

New York, United States

May 13, 2012 14:33

Hmm, what can i really say about myself. Okay, so I work part time taking care of children with special needs. I start school in the fall. I am going to take up child care. I'm really active. I like staying at home but sometimes you have to take advantage of a day that's nice. I like to go out with my close friends and chill. I'm not much of a rave girl nor a party party girl. I like things to be chill and fun. I drink occasionally. I like beer and fruity drinks. I also am a funny person. You have to be funny. If you're not funny we have a problem. It's good to be serious but if you're going to be lame and sh*ton everything might as well get the hell away from me.

I'm a tough person when it comes to showing my emotions. It's going to take a while. I'm also shy. I might not show it through the big ass paragraphs I am writing, but I'm on the computer... Pretty easy then having someone look at you and you get nervous. Oh man I get red just the thought of it. It's not THAT bad so don't let it throw you off. After you get to know me I am a pretty laid back and easy going person. I love music. ALL kinds. Dont believe me TRY ME > lol. I have 6 tattoos and my lip is pierced and I have gauges. Don't like it? Well, go away then lol. My hair is short for now. Trying to let it grow out ..."trying" long hair is such a **** lol. I dress really simple, But if were going somewhere nice. I got you lol. I was always a tomboy but I'm starting to dress suiting for specific dinner at a nice place etc. all that. Im not much of a fancy fancy person. I dont like it. But once in a while wont hurt. I am a girl in the end lmaoo. I go to concerts sometimes. Depends on the bands. I mosh and I crowd surf lol. I like to have fun sheesh lol. I am also really hyper sometimes. You have to be great company to see that side of me. I am randommmmm I say the weirdest things but you cant help but laugh. Im cornyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy loololol so sorry in advance.

Im not here for booty calls or **** buddies. Im here to meet guys who arent full of themselves and are just really good people to talk to .. now if i find someone then cool

I do like my guy to be funny smart and has direction. Please smile. I love guys who smile.

i LOVE following.

cars (meaning like going to auto shows) i dont care if you do or dont have a car... times is rough lol.
Video games (cant beat me in fighting games) > (also i have a chocobo tattoo on my arm..whoever knows what a chocobo is gets points from me lol)
Computer games
french fries
your mom. ( just kidding) lol
Deep conversations
funny jokes.
stuffed animals. ( what? sorry lmao)

I have a lot more but my brain is currently getting a brain fart from writing all of this lmao.

If anything message me dur lol



Age: 28 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 21 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 23 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 22 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 32 / bi

New York
United States

Read My Bio First!!!

Age: 30 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 43 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 18 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 36 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 32 / bi

New York
United States