

37 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Jun 16, 2024 23:11

Just looking for friendship for now - the person who I considered to be the love of my life passed away a few years ago and I've been at something of a loss in my personal life since then 💔. I don't rule out a relationship eventually but it's probably not a good idea for me right now. Its possible that I may well have missed that particular boat anyway - time will tell. I need to stress that I'm not 'looking for a replacement' for her as we are all special and unique and nobody can be replaced - to suggest one person can take the place of another is insulting to both those who are no longer here and also new people we meet in life. It would, however, be nice to meet someone chilled to hang out with, go to gigs, go for days out, walks, long drives, deep conversations etc without any stress or drama. Although the past few years have taken their toll I am, ironically, in spite of everything a relatively happy individual day to day and mostly content with the other aspects of my life as it is now. I'm not bitter or angry about how things turned out in the past (many go through similar and indeed worse than what I have) and I'm grateful for what I do have in life. I have a job I enjoy (I love the freedom of being self employed and working outdoors) and I'm also lucky to also have the creative outlet that writing, recording and performing songs gives me. I don't feel I need companionship to be happy as I do enjoy doing things by myself and have many hobbies and interests to keep me occupied but it would sometimes be nice to share stuff with someone and that's pretty much why I'm here - perhaps someone who has been through similar or at least understands my situation and why I don't want to rush anything. I feel it's important that whoever I connect with has similar values to me - I lean strongly to the left politically so if you're a tory or have right wing, far right or racist views then we won't get along lol. I'm not into drugs at all and am only a light drinker so if your idea of fun is getting wasted then I'm not really for you. I'm not into computer games at all - I'd rather be outdoors than stuck indoors behind a screen - if you spend more time gaming than anything else then I'm not for you. Whilst I don't trust absolutely everything the government and (especially) the media tells me I'm also not a conspiracy theorist - I think the truth often lies somewhere in the middle - if you believe the illuminati controls everything then I'm not for you. Finally, I lost a couple of close relatives to Covid a few years ago so if you're an anti vaxxer then we definitely won't get along!

Thanks for reading this far - if you'd like to chat please drop me a message - I don't send the first message as I got a little tired of being ignored by people who probably weren't interested so I guessed that if I hear from you first then you are Please bear in mind that I don't want to chat forever on here and not meet because meeting is the point of all this isn't it? Lol. If you don't want to chat on the phone after a few days of messaging or meet after a week or 2 of chatting then I'll presume you're not interested and leave you alone. Please also bear in mind that if you consider it adult, amusing, clever, polite or responsible to ghost people for no reason then take note that I block people who I haven't heard from for more than a week so once you abandon ship there's no return If you enjoy playing hard to get then I'll just presume you're not interested and leave you alone - I'm too old for playing games. If 2 people want to meet and hang out it should be as simple as both people meeting up and hanging out.

I like music, the outdoors and the simple things in life. The music I create is acoustic folk / alternative but I listen to a wide range. The only music I'm not keen on is gangsta rap and anything extreme.

Again thanks for reading my essay



Age: 41 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom