

24 - Straight

South Carolina, United States

Oct 16, 2022 10:58

Doctor says I’m 5’8 but I feel 5’9, I have cutting scars from my waste line to my knee that are older then 5 years old, and scars from the top of my shoulder to the bottom of my wrist, and one main one from last year/my last year on the street, and some faded scars on my belly. I’m tired of having to coach someone how to treat someone right, I lucid dream constantly of this dark Angel, he a tall casual emo guy with all black hair, and in the dream there is a love and connection I have never felt so strongly in my life after he laid his hands over my body and I levitated as if he put a spell on me. I know this won’t happen, but I do know it’s a sign, because it’s so reoccurring.. I just want to find that love.. so I can finally be happy. I look for him every night in my dreams.. and if I do find him even if he’s never been in the same dream, I will know fate brought the man in my dreams. I’m 22 and was on the street homeless as a teen for 5 years addicted to the needle, I’m clean and sober now for a year and a month and have found a way off the streets and live somewhere now and drive.. I’m saving up for a tiny house. I just want to find the man in my dreams.


Aurora _vile

Age: 25 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 31 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 21 / gay

South Carolina
United States


Age: 25 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 33 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 36 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 19 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 20 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 31 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 30 / straight

South Carolina
United States


Age: 21 / bi

South Carolina
United States


Age: 47 / straight

South Carolina
United States