

47 - Straight

California, United States

Oct 22, 2024 22:55

This site is good and honestly free, unlike most others who are scams, but unfortunately it doesn't alert me of any new messages. In order to see that I've received any, I have to constantly refresh this site. Kinda tedious and annoying, so you can compile my name William Ridder and username (Deadfly) including the perentisis, and find me on facebook. We can message there where we won't miss each other so easily.

I am a STRAIGHT HETERALsexual MALE. I respect the gay and transgender communities, however, I am not sexually attracted to anyone who is not born physically of the female gender. We all have our preferences. This, and the following are mine. Please respect mine as I do for yours.

I DO NOT HAVE KIDS, NOR DO I WISH TO HAVE ANY. I made this decision around the age of 18, and have maintained my stance since. It is NOT a "selfish phase." I have no regrets about this.

I AM NOT INTO RACIST OR THEIR POOR TASTE OF JOKES. Only a moron can manage to think that a country founded by invading lazy europeans, who fled tyranny in europe at the time, or other reasons, ripped others away from their own lives against their will, accross the oceans, to do their work for them for free, and as the proceeding influx of other groups of immigrants, and refugees from everywhere came in at later generations, we all mixed our bloodlines together over generations to create the unique melting pot nation we are today. I can't understand how anyone, aside from the first nationers, could think any of this land belongs to their race alone.
Unless they were a member of a tribe, your ancestors were NOT here first, so stop your ignorance.


I'M NOT INTO VIDEO GAMES. My Grandfather and dad were both involved in the vending business during the 70's-90's, and arcade games were amongst their product. I started my adolesence just as Nintendo and Genesis were born. Trust me, I've had my fare share of exposure to that world. boring. I will give arcades the positive over home consoles. At least people were able to socialize with strangers at arcades. They were in a setting that made for yet another great icebreaker for meeting potential romance interests, like waiting in line for concert tickets. Sites like this weren't so necessary back then. Oh how the conditions have devolved. :/

I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A F**K BUDDY OR FLING. Although I do not believe in marriage, I AM monogamous, and I DO believe in commitment. I'm in it for the long haul as long as we're compatible. We find these things out faster if we spend quality time REALLY getting to know each other rather than skirting each other with multiple partners, increasing the odds of passing on @$!#%%%/** to each other.
Phone calls and/or videochatting help move things along as far as getting to know each other, and helps decrease wasted time on the wrong people.

GIRLS IN COMBAT/ DR MARTIN TYPE BOOTS, HOT!!! AND EMPOWERING. Stillettos/high heels, turn me off, and equate to westernized footbinding, plus they are orthopedically and horrendously unhealthy for your feet too. Besides no one can see your fancy feet on a dark crowded club dancefloor anyhow. I do NOT have a foot *****. It's just an byproduct erk I have acquired after years of experience trying to dance out on the dancefloor as girls in high pointy stilletto type heels carefully and precariously try to balance themselves slowly and carefully, getting in everyone elses way.

I like a girl who can glam up with me for a club and/or show as much as she's enthusiastic about going out camping in a tent. Versitality is great.

PLEEEEEASE be into camping out for days at a time in a tent in National and State Parks. I enjoy camping so much that you'll often find me gravitating to the camping recreational isles at Target, REI, or military surplus shops. I love it.

I ENJOY ROADTRIPS AROUND CALIFORNIA. ESPECIALLY northbound trips. The forrest and/or lake preferable to desert landscapes, although the desert DOES have it's fare seasonal beauty too.

I refuse to do any business of ANY kind with Walmart, and Amazon. Unfortunately, I have recently had to add REI to that list too until their CEO agrees to allow their employees to unionize. I cannot support businesses who do not properly support their labor force.

I am agnostic, pro-choice, pro-transgender rights, and a regular TYT subscriber for my news source. In short, I aline myself with USA brand progressives, who may, or may not be considered moderate by more liberal progressive European standards.



Age: 36 / bi

United States


Age: 37 / straight

United States


Age: 19 / bi

United States


Age: 40 / straight

United States


Age: 37 / straight

United States


Age: 25 / straight

United States


Age: 27 / straight

United States


Age: 19 / straight

United States


Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

United States


Age: 34 / bi

United States


Age: 34 / straight

United States