

36 - Straight

Wisconsin, United States

Dec 12, 2011 22:06

Im really easy to talk to and love to meet new ppland I am looking for a guy near me to date . I know I can look alittle intimidating but I promise Im really nice Looking for that rocker guy of my dreams!! I Love music, tattoos, piercings, hanging out with people, playing guitar, singing, call of duty, and lots more. I love wearing skinny jeans and band tees. And I love my hair style which took me forever to figure out lol. It took me a long time to actually find out who I was and to fit into what I felt was completely ME. I used to be someone else I didnt like and finally when I was a junior in high school found my true love, heavy rock music. Music has become my life and if I didnt have it I would probably die, no joke. I love playing video games call of duty to be exact, I guess thats really all I play. I dont want to brag but I am VERY good. Im usually always first in the entire lobby and guys just hate that but I love it. I love hanging out with ppl when I'm not working. I have a select number of close friends and I like to keep it that way due to the fact that I trust little to noone, thats something you have to earn and once you loose it, its almost certain you wont get it back. I have a dog thats like my child who I wouldnt trade for the world and value his life more then almost all humans I know, not sad just true. I havent decided what I want to truely be in life. My dream would be to one day share a stage with a working band singing/screaming meaning touring and recording and such. Otherwise I'm an aspiring tattoo artist on the side. Which brings me to my next love, art. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and I'm very proud of my talent. But if you would really like to get to know my just start talking to me. Its really hard to just sit and summarize yourself lol. With guys Tatttoos and piercing are a major turn on but not a must. Hair is my biggest attraction next to eyes and personality. And I love a guy thats not afraid to be his self. A good sense of humor is a must, but not an asshole. And I like long term relationships opposed to short, if things are working out obviously. Dont be intimidated I dont bite, hard lol. If you talk about s*x within the first week of dating or even talking thats probably all you want so if that's how you are stop right here and look for someone else. Looks arent everything to me but its gotta count alittle atleast. And I usually never make the first move, even just talking wise. So if interested message me!!!!



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