I'm ashli im 30 years old outgoing, funny fun smart strong willed girl very independent

. love to laugh and have good time. love travelin been to mexcio. california on a cruise for Christmas , back in 2015

. been to Banff jasper. been to newfoundland. dream trip is to goto new York

. been to many concerts. slipknot with korn. warp tour to see black veil brides and other bands

. saw few other good ones to

. got to see nick carter

live in waterloo and also got to meet him

dream come true

. always love the bsb boys no matter like disturbed, marylin manson, godsmack

, evanescence, we are the fallen. creed nickelback. movie wise, love horror movies. mainly. have 2 tats so far, black rose on left shoulder, love kills slowly on right with skull heart. plan on getting black fallen angel wings on my lower back. have 4 peircings all together my snake bites nose ring eyebrow ring. going to be changing myeyebrow ring to black. and also different style of snake bites. seen bsb live in toronto. love cemeteries and i do belive in the paranormal. another dream trip of mine is to go to germany one day plus band i got into blutengel

also see differnt parts of the world. camping is great i went camping in jasper. i have recent tattoo on for right arm skull hand with blue rose . be my 5th tattoo. love alot of tim burton movies fav one of course is the nightmare before christmas. rob zombie is wicked would love to see him live love the halloween movie he made. cant wait for newest one next year. love rd trips. fav time of month is halloween every day is halloween to me but ya. love niagra falls been to my 1st cemetery there drumond hill. ever since then loved them. i find them to be very romantic peaceful. espcially on cool fall nights. summer time also when its warm. tv shows like paranormal supernatural other good ones. i am curtnley not working cause of covid trying to apply best ican. i do want to go to college least do it online guess tell the campuses openup i want to learn about tanotogly death dying course to be able to work in a funeral home one day that requires college if dont get into that exact course try another one like it stil would love to learn . mabe even if that happens great down the rd get into funeral home job dont require college. i have moved into a gorgouse new place in waterloo love it compared to where i was. i love beach trips. i am looking for guy who wil treat me good no lies all honesty for me outgoing fun likes tolaugh enjoy life and be carefree

life is to short. only looking for white men how i feel always have been also in ontario only sense i am looking to meet to see how goes. guy thats in good shape tall .i get no one is perfect like who u like. i foundout that goths make better lovers so true. all nice to each other for most part eventually if iwant to be with someone gotta phocis on self 1st plus alot trust issues once i want to be would be great to meet an amazing gothic guy. i also love movie hocus pocus classic

amtville horror. i am not beliver in god at all. so .always wanted to try ouji board i have once long time ago with friend in one of my fav cemeteries here ovsly nothing happened. stil to experince somthing be so cool . witch craft to always wanted to experince. i do love christmas though also but ya. love queen of the damned movie

lastate gorgouse vamp

. and also the soundtrack to listen to it on cemterie walks. sets the mood . have no kids dont want any. i do have 2 sisters . lovebeing with family bein great friend try to be helpful always someones shoulder to cry on. othermovies dead silence. 1st meet for me simple coffe meet

see how it goes i am looking to take it slow see how goes no long term i gota phocis onmyself . when i went to newfoundland did ice berg tours whale watching gorgouse. been to rockey harbour nothing like it was in november freezing was worth it. seen slipknot live with korn and disturbed with 3 days grace front row amazing

another good band got into was delta rae. anything else want to ask all for it

try to do best ican going to play pool i dont mind love swimming got 1st place trophy on swim team highschool yes i wil put pic up not letting me for some odd reason it wil be there