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30 - Straight

North Dakota, United States

Nov 2, 2011 04:47

~Well, rule one; you don't know much about me, so honestly, here goes. Rule two, I... probably don't know you, either. Intricacy, intimacy, love, peril, death, tears, frustration, and beauty have been the words on my tongue for the past ten months. The use of the word "heart" was a part of that. At one point, anyways. More on that later.

My full title is Mister Doctor Professor Daniel Gregory "DJ" Gregory "Pianoboy" Chihos. DJ is my lifelong name, I'd love it if you'd call me that . Pianoboy is a nickname one of my good friends who moved away called me. I play piano like a God, some probably think, but beauty is a quiet attribute that many tend to not see. Most people would call me a nerd, probably stupid or something, but look past the fact that I'm not the most handsome guy in the world, but I'm good enough to look at. my heart is compassionate, yet broken, and I find that I'm too trusting.

So if you're a girl, one that I find beautiful and worthy enough to talk to or text, you better not come into my life just to f**k with my heart. I've had that happen way too much lately... I've been abandoned by the girl I loved, TWICE in ten months.

I absolutely love fooling people I'm British and/or Scottish. Strangers get a kick out of it, I get my daily rush of knowing that someone else on this rock calls me crazy . I smile around my friends, as they're my lifeblood and the only thing keeping me on this place we call Earth. Music is a passion, it is a beauty I've taken under my wing to capture and snare, tame and use. I've played piano for about ten years now, trumpet for six, and been in love three times in three years. Two girls played me, one did the most horrible things a girl can do to a guy, explanation later if you ask.

I do draw. I draw a lot, and there's a chance that if you be lucky enough to text me, I'll draw something for you or take a picture of some latter thing, cause you know... I'm pretty nice like that.

So.... please do get to know me . If you want my cell number, I'd be more than happy to text you :3.



Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 33 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 35 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 39 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States

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Age: 40 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 42 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 34 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 41 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 53 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 37 / straight

North Dakota
United States