

36 - Straight

Co. Durham, United Kingdom

Jul 4, 2021 00:13

I'm very creative and like drawing, painting, writing, jewellery, sculpture, knitting, sewing and probably others I've missed too.

I like animals and currently have dogs, snakes, giant snails and fish. I used to have chickens and health allowing I will get some more in the future. I also like nature and wildlife and do what I can to encourage it in my garden. I like gardening too but I'm not very good at it.

I'm a geek who enjoys tabletop gaming (D&D etc), board/card games with my friends and smaller LARP events. I enjoy computer gaming too but don't have a lot of time for it.

I have social anxiety so don't be surprised if I take a while between messages.
Non-smoker. Tea-total. Prescribed drugs only. Left-wing. Pagan. Feminist.

I am happily married but we have an open relationship. Up for chatting, friendship and casual dating.



Age: 34 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / bi

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom

Dark Angel

Age: 38 / bi

Co. Durham
United Kingdom