

43 - Straight

London, United Kingdom

Mar 21, 2012 15:36

Please pass on the health information below, so your familys may survive the pollution inflicted by our governmets as they resign to usher in the Age of Love.
Below I have adjoined my Wellness Poster as our water, air and food are being poisoned by Globalists that seek to cull Mankind, in fear they do not have the resources to cope with overpopulation - check out the references for natural cures.
However, in the wake of our cellular empowerment, we should remember that our opressors are released of thier karma by the power of love.

~ The Fountain of Youth ~

Live for 150 years in the body of a 30 year old: ‘Abaris’, Dr Bill Deagle ‘The Year of the Fountain of Youth’ 2012/01/31 (Y/T: You Tube – Internet)

However, Jets are Releasing Parasites to weaken your Immunity: (Google; Aerosol Crimes (Y/T)/Chemtrails and Morgellons Detox/Wistleblower Contacts IAFH Info Chemtrails/Chembusters/Nutrimedical Website Cures All Diseases)

Supermarkets are using GM Seeds to Damage your Blood Cells: David Wilc**k ‘2012 Enigma’ (Y/T)/ Ventura ‘Secret Societies’)

Protect your Family with Natural Foods, Cures and Water Filters: (Google; Abel and Cole, Berkley Filters, Zeolite (Amazon UK), Vitamineral Green (Amazon.Com), Estrogen Dominance Cure, Natural Radiation Detox (ATS Sellafield), Sensei Pendants, Dr Bill Deagle ‘Wellness’ and ‘2012/01/17’ (Y/T)

Stand and Empower your Empire:
(Brian Gerrish (Y/T)/Benjamin Fulford (Y/T)/Jane Burgermeister (Y/T)


I hope my list serves you well, as I also have researched natural cures for most illness - psychiatric, physical and nutritional advice against pollutants in our system.
Contact me for free consultation.

* * *

Last year, whilst visiting my Shaman I found his toilet blocked with a towel, to which I released the peyote of my shallow realizations in his garden.
However, as I wiped the sweat from my brow, a Geriatric then turned the corner to yell ‘Tom, you’ve been a bad cat! ’, and persued me down the street, tanning my hide with her duster!
However, having been a fare evader, I also attended the Royal Wedding last year and boarded the train with such revelry, I stumbled over a fish basket.
Imagine my surprise when the train doors then sandwiched my face, and its refugee’s caressed me with crys of woe as the train carried me off - suspended in crucifixion!

I am also a keen banjo enthusiast, and my influences range from: Barndance, Christmas Carol, Christian Blackmetal, Dirty South, Madchester, Medieval Folk, Mersey Beat, Afro Beat, UK Pubrock, Queercore, Ragamuffin, National Socialist Black Metal, Truck Driving Country, Viking Metal and the Afromuffin dubplate ‘Pass the Dutchie’.

What is your favorite activity? : Participating in the coconut shy at the village fate.

What attractive features do you seek in partners? : A pirate’s hat and black-tooth grin.

What do you think about tattoos? : I would like to sport an all-over, Bruce Forscythe tattoo on my back.

Dislikes: Homsey, Slap Hoods – there should be a ‘Poo’ category for them.

~ The Birth of Bedlam ~

There is no scientific basis for Psychiatry, yet it has over the last seven centuries become the process with which the NWO, have sanctioned the fate of dissidents.
Throughout the 13th century, Lunatics were then rounded into London’s ‘Bethlehem Hospital’, which was the world’s first Mental Asylum.
It was erected where Liverpool Street Station now stands, and the word ‘Bedlam’ was derived from its name in that it resembled a jail, where Inmates slithered in the regression of their own offal.
They were sentenced there by bias panels of Psychiatrists, and had to adapt to lives within cages and animal stalls where they then were flogged, to appease the intrigue of public admission.
The Keepers were famous for the ‘Six of the Best’ they meted out, and in 1598 an inspection revealed the neglect of those whom society had deemed, morally dissolute.
The report exposed that Bedlams avenues resounding with mockery, mingled with the reigns of Inmates that clung gibbering to the rusted rails of their cells.
It also revealed how they were reduced to such depravity, their Spectators would often applaud as they clawed at the rafters until their faces dripped, with the clay of their futile escape attempts.
Repeat offenders were then sentenced to ‘The Vault’, whose stirring blackness mocked the desolation of their will, as its walls emanated vapor that they were often forced to drink instead of water.
However, the Inmates may have been paraded as buffoons yet it would be quite beyond us to concieve such a fate, for those whose lunacy had offered them scant reprieve amidst an industrious World.
Certainly, if persecution was our ancestor’s antidote to the commonplace, then today's distaste for lunacy is proof that our inherited foreshadowing’s, instruct the very nature of our discretion.
Nevertheless, in 1758 a physician named William Battie published the first book on mental illness, entitled ‘A Treatise On Madness’.
He then extended his practises to the wealthy as well as the insane, and founded Psychiatry to which he was elected the president of the Royal College of Physicians.
After schooling at Cambridge and devoting his attention to Psychiatry, it was later decided Battie should also govern the London Psychiatric Association.
He was then granted two Asylums of test subjects on which to experiment, although their lack of improvement exposed his treatments to yield scant effect.
On the contrary, Batties fruitless legacy warranted as much progress as Bedlams travesties, yet did not deter the Royal College from elevating him to one of England’s richest men.
Enwreathed in the shadows of secrecy, he strode between his asylums that may have removed societie’s undesirables, yet also conjured a veil that fell to silence its reactionarys.
The relatives of Batties patients began to distrust his asylums, for they may have formed the bedrock of their society, yet their crimes consumed the land in a monstrous guilt.
His patients had been reduced to subhumans, yet their gibbering could often be translated into prayers that death would deliver them, from the tortures of primitive science.
Certainly, our imaginations couldn’t concieve their will, when facing those that would berate them with docile conformity, to then profit on their decline.
When Visitors questioned his Patients lack of remission, Battie would fix them with a calculating stare, as if his success had left him careless in the crimes he saught to conceal.
It is unsuprising then that the banks were in support of his efforts, for he laid the foundation for Psychiatrists to capitalise on the expendable.
Their stampede erected Madhouses across the Atlantic, yet asylum development became more successful in the 19th century, with those that had no knowledge of its agenda.
In this era the NWO then invested millions in their institutions, whose long-term plan was in the 21st century to cull their GMO, Thiomersal Vaccine and Chemtrail victims.
However, the 17th century, asylum sector soon became imbalanced as those that ran them profited, while Psychiatrists remained devoid of recognition.
The urge to profit on their patient’s inevitable decline, then led them to devise a means by which they could manipulate the Medical Institution.
In essence, the Psychiatrists needed to filter through its gauze of regulations, by diagnosing that mental illness was biologically inherited.
The treatments they then formulated to sedate their patients, were nothing short of torture and to this day inspire the brain-suppressants, inherent in our pesticides.
The Psychiatrists sectioned the toxin-sensitive and studied them as a professor, might scrutinize the amoeba that duplicate in a Petri dish.
Lady’s and Gentlemen of the Jury, it may trouble you to learn that the first treatment aiding their rise to notoriety, was known as ‘The Drowning Procedure’.
This practice involved forcing invalids into coffins, where after they were drowned they were resuscitated, to isolate areas of their brains prone to dysfunction.
The device may have subdued Patients with paralysis, yet it is unthinkable to concieve the terrors that must have constrained their madness.
However, when the Psychiatrists eyes flickered in the light of thier studies, thier Patients would often notice them well with a remourse, that they were powerless to untagle the ruin of their neural networks.
‘Cognition Ignition’ is a remedy that today decreases the inflamed, Ventricules Gland of Schizophrenics, yet The Drowning Procedure would have no doubt burst the gland, under the weight of such ambition.
However, the Psychiatrists then had to subdue their patient’s relatives, by masking their malpractice in medicine, to which their ‘Medical Models’ were born.
The victims that fell prey to these Models were drowned, to enforce their complacency that no doubt resulted from their aqueous depths of their trauma!
The Psychiatrists then justified the methods behind the ‘Medical Model’, claiming the shock of drowning subdued lobes of the Patients brain, susceptible to madness.
Their ‘Biological Imbalance’ theory has defended psychiatry to this day, and was sanctioned by one of America’s founding fathers, Dr Benjamin Rush.
Apart from working to remove George Washington from the Continental army, in 1812 Rush was then celebrated for reconciling the friendship of Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.
The Physician then claimed blood pressure was the cause of lunacy, and with the blind assumption of his predessescors, concluded it could be alleviated by bloodletting.
However, Rush’s treatments then enticed America to whom he declared, ‘I have found bleeding to be useful, not only in the cases where the pulse was full and quick, but also where it was slow and tense’.
‘I have bled twice in many and one acute case four times, with the happiest effect.’
‘I then consider intrepidity in the use of the lancet, at present, to be necessary, as it is in the use of mercury and jalap, in this insidious and ferocious disease’.
Rushes desire to drink the profit of pseudo-science, soon layed the foundations for a new wave of Psychiatrists to wreak their wrath on the unsuspecting populace.
However, Dr Rush’s cures were palatable compared to today's medicine, even when he restrained his subjects to centrifugal, spinning boards.
His schooling may have left him with an adverse approach to therapy, yet his futile contraptions consoled his fear of the unknown, at any rate.
His most prominent invention was then christened, ‘The Tranquiliser’, and resembled an electric chair to which the successive Medical Model was born.
Dr Rush would lure his Patients into the depths of his chamber, yet they must have been hesitant with fear, for a capitalist is a capitalist and at best - an unsettling guide for an Invalid.
Laughing with menace, Rush would restrain them to The Tranquiliser and flood their visors with water, to which he announced the contraptions success without any proof of its efficiency.
Nevertheless, suffocation would have no more cured a Lunatic, than a Vietnamese Guerilla leaving his hostage to confess his sanity, beneath a dripping tap.
Their futility didn’t however prevent Rush from profiting on the devices, glorifying his textbook, ‘Medical Inquiries And Observations, Upon The Diseases Of The Mind’.
Dr Rush’s mandate became Psychiatry’s blueprint for 70 years, until in 1965 he was emblazoned upon the seal of the American, Psychiatric Association.
Rush then countered his disregard for life by opposing slavery, yet classically squandered his reputation by declaring Black skin was a disease, called ‘Negroidism’.
Certainly, Dr Rush’s heritage had led him to envy tribal cultures, for they had lived in harmony with natures laws, when his predjudice consoled the commonplace it’s suffering at least colonized the world.
Rush soon found an opportunity to renew his reputation, for in 1872 he witnessed the neglect inherent in many asylums and began erecting his own, where Lunatics could be monitored under modest standards.
However, his success was short-lived for his legacy then inspired corrupt successors, to plunge his profession into a gulf of anonymity.
The Psychiatrists failure to cure lunacy concerned the Medical Board, that their asylums were growing in size yet were harbouring scant effect.
The babbling pleas of Inmates resounded from the asylums belfrys, until their relatives whispered warnings to those whose individuality, might bind them in such mazes of manipulation.
This crisis then caused the Psychiatrists to rekindle the strategy, Battie had devised to forge their institution.
The Medical Board had proven is could be flattered by Medical Models, as a form of subordination on the Psychiatrist’s behalf.
They then concluded draconian measures be revived, for Rush’s bloodletting had inspired a new era of butchers to mask their agenda, under the surgeons mask.
At the turn of the 20th century, Dr Henry Cotton succeeded Dr Rush by proposing madness could be treated by amputation, to which Psychiatrists heralded his Medical Model, ‘A Triumph’!
Nevertheless, his piers had a primitive grasp of medicine, for the toxins and nurient defficiency we now know to cause lunacy, would have stretched their minds to a bewildered state of denial.
Dr Cotton had learned under Alois Alzheimer, who was considered the vanguard of his profession and then studied under Adolf Meyer, who at the turn of the 19th century was also considered a pioneer.
Meyer’s research had led him to observe feverish patients often become delusional, and concluded their behaviour was the result of inherited infection.
However, his theory was inherent of the aristocracys inbred arrogance, for his ambition had deprived him of any distinction between the sane and the insane.
Nevertheless, in comparison with Eugenics and Freud’s principle of childhood trauma, Meyer’s analysis was then considered the vanguard of its day.
He was succeeded by Dr Cotton who at the age of 30, had become the leading Psychiatrist in the United States and was subsequently appointed, the director of the Trenton state hospital.
However, it was soon evident his success was defiled by his peirs, who forced him to mask his deviance behind their code of secrecy, until he slithered in the shadows of their covetous order.
Certainly, Cotton soon learned that conformism could bear rewards, for his reputation was enhanced by eradicating restraints and by arranging staff meetings, to discuss patient welfare.
However, behind the theatre curtain he soon began extracting his victim’s teeth, tonsils and sinuses as they were suspected of harbouring infection.
It is quite beyond the power of the heart to bear, that when enthusiasm for these practices began to wane, Cotton then focused on removing stomachs, cervixes and spleens on account of also harbouring bacteria.
He sowed death and dispair in his attempts to further Psychiatry, and operated
with ambitious disregard for the results of his malpractice.
Cotton may have removed his patient’s organs hoping they’d survive, yet whatever mishapen forms they reemmerged as – Gods name Man, were they not still Men?
In theory, he had played a jest on those whose colons he removed, for they often revealed that their madness offered them scant reprieve, when their incontinence bags had foundered.
However, those who could not cope with their amputations were executed, to arrest any aversions that may arouse the forks of the vulgar crowd.
Certainly, Dr Cotton may have emblazoned his name in medical history, yet his ambition and greed were helralded by his descendants, and have today unveiled Psychiatrys mask of arrogance.
The reason why Cotton saught to profit on acts of cruelty, remains a secret only time will unveil, yet I hope before this planets end his successors shall withdraw from their malpractice, and deliver his victims to justice.
Fortunatley, his undoing lay in the faulty methods he used to compile data, leading him to boast of achieving 85% success and left families longing, to be treated by him.
On the contrary, the state soon acknowledged the savings to taxpayers from his practices, and in 1922 the New York Times published a review of one of his lectures:

‘At the State Hospital at Trenton, N.J, under the brilliant leadership of the director, Dr Henry A. Cotton, there is on foot the most searching and profound investigation that has yet been made, in the field of mental disorders…there is hope, high hope…for the future’.

However, the toothless mumbling of patients whose relatives came to visit, soon raised concern for the effectiveness of Cottons procedures.
Their babbling would often rend their throats with bloody syllabes, as they longed to express they’d rather have braved the torments of lunacy, than remain impaired to the hideous end.
Driven by the desperate need for justice, Dr Phyllis Greenacre then broke into Cotton’s office to retrieve his files, revealing 45% of his patients had perished as the result of malpractice.
The reason so much murder could go unnoticed, remained veiled by the perpetrators of medical crime, yet Greenacre knew her hunger for truth might leave her starving in redundancy.
The surviving casualty’s encouraged the New Jersey Senate to launch an investigation, into the data Greenacre had uncovered from Dr Cottons files.
During the weeks in which he then awaited trial, his mornings were wieghed beneath funereal clouds that drained him of his will, for outside Cottons window, the whispers of the Commonplace reflected his own self-deception.
His blasphemous legacy would soon be exposed, and his voice would founder his defense for it now rang with the resonance of blood money.
On the day of his Hearing he was defended by a Corrupt Judge, yet he was humiliated in the eyes of the Jury, for a mob of deformity’s shuffled onto the stand to testify against him.
Lady’s and Gentlemen of the Jury, the injustice of Cottons victims is reflected in todays asylums, for as this Judge now stands before us, his guilt is testament to the unlearned lessons of our heritage.
However, Dr Cotton was then aquitted yet he suffered a nervous breakdown, and after removing the molars he thought responsible, returned to the surgery in which he so excelled in maiming patients.
He then perished in 1933 and left the proudest legacy in Psychiatry, which is less than a bloody path that would strike fear into the most ostere atheists.
Neverthless, most Psychiatrists carry Cottons shame to their graves, so it is unsuprising that they heralded his passing for less than substituting Invalid’s, as Test Subjects.
On the contrary, all Psychiatry has managed to achieve since is modify its patients by restraint, brain suppress and ultimatley have them lobotomised.
Lady’s and Gentlemen of the Jury, Torture is Psychiatry’s unmasked agenda.

Tv on the Radio

~ D.L.Z ~

Congratulations on the mess you made of things,
I'm trying to reconstruct the air and all that brings,
And oxidation is the compromise you own,
But this is beginning to feel like the dog wants her bones.
You force your fire and then you falsify your deeds,
Your methods dot the disconnect from all your creeds,
And fortune strives to fill the vacuum that it feeds,
But this is beginning to feel like the dog's lost her lead.
This is beginning to feel Like the longwinded blues of the never, This is beginning to feel Like it's curling up slowly and finding a throat to choke.
This is beginning to feel Like the longwinded blues of the never, Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the crows with smoke.
This is beginning to feel like the longwinded blues of the never, Static explosion devoted to crushing the broken and shoving their souls to ghost.
Eternalized, objectified, you set your sights so high,
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted loose from the lever.
Never you mind, death professor, your structure's fine, my dust is better,
Your victim flies so high, all to catch a bird's eye view of who's next.
Never you mind, death professor, love is life, my love is better, Your victim flies so high, eyes could be the diamonds confused with who's next.
Never you mind, death professor, your shocks are fine, my struts are better,
Your fiction flies so high y'all could use a doctor who's sick, who's next?
Never you mind, death professor, electrified, my love is better,
It's crystallized, so am I - all could be the diamond fused with who's next.

‘If I am mad, then it is mercy! May the Gods pity the Man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end! ’.

HP Lovecraft
~ The Temple ~

Tablet: XXI

~ Until Morale Improves, Vaccines will continue ~

Whilst Dr Cotton had revelled in his illegitimate notoriety, a professor named Wilhelm Wundt had been identifying mental disorders to map damaged areas of the brain.
This nuance then enabled him to establish Psychiatry as a science, and to publish the first journal for Psychiatric research, in 1881.
Throughout his life, Wundt had experimented on the psyche and concluded thought’s were chemical reactions in the brain, yet to this day scientists have no way to measure the brains activities.
On the contrary, his theory was bound by his five-sense perception, as if his heritage of arrogance had defiled his the clarity of his diagnosis.
Having realised the futility of his pursuit, he concluded that to control the mind would mean to renounce the soul, and christened Man a beast that could be trained as such.
In the wake of another ‘Medical Model’, a Nobel Prize winning Russian, Ivan Pavlof, invented ‘Classical Conditioning’, in which he experimented on his dogs to modify human behaviour.
Ivan had studied under Wilhelm Wundt where he had pierced electrodes through his dog’s cheeks, ringing bells to calculate their point of salivation and then called the experiment, ‘The Conditioned Reflex’.
However, the enthusiasm invested into this pursuit led Ivan’s assistant, to conclude his own salivation was quite in keeping with the bestial regression of Psychiatrists.
Ivan repeated this procedure on his children until ‘Pavlovian Conditioning’, established Behavioural Research in the 20th century.
In theory, behaviour that could then be conditioned became known as ‘Behaviourism’, and the Analysts experimented on their own baby’s, who they believed could be trained as beasts.
Imagination could not concieve their young being lulled to sleep, as their fathers sunken eyes flickered in the candlelight of thier studies, for opportunists are opportunists and at best – unsettling guardians for infants.
The most prominent Behaviourist, John Watson, was heralded for his ‘Little Albert’ experiment, where he instilled the fear of a maze-bound rat into his son.
It is beyond the rational mind to concieve the bewildered child, lured by his father as he roamed the idle circles of a maze, of which he might never return.
Watson then treated his subjects as Oxon, whilst boasting of imbuing them with myriad skills, for the Behaviourists did not believe in the existence of the soul.
His theories were soon adopted by Harvard Psychologist, B.F. Skinner, who evolved them to a technique called ‘Operant Conditioning’.
This treatment then proved Skinner could alter behaviour with schedules of reinforcement, by shocking his subjects into submission.
He taught rats to run mazes, pigeons to play ping-pong and trained children to pursue the bounties of commerce, reflected in Anthony Burgess’s novel, ‘A Clockwork Orange’.
Skinner’s success then elevated him to emminent notoriety, yet he was most renowned for the ‘Skinner Box’, in which he trained his daughter.
This is the true nature of Psychiatry, for no humane being would train someone like vermin if they respected their humanity.
However, Psychiatry has lengthened to overshadow a race afflicted by Thiomersal vaccines, Chemtrails, Radiation Leaks, Heavy Metals, Genetically Modified Food and Nutrient Defficiency to which it’s diagnosis is enforced by law.
Psychiatry has also become big business, for 40 million dollars a year in taxes is paid out by the Mental Institution, to further Behavioural Research.
This statistic is inherent of the psychiatrists deviance, for gold is king to those that would suppress our relatives minds, until they reeemerged as shadows of their former selves.
In summation, 19 billion dollars has then been laundered from our taxes to advance Psychiatry, since its origin in 1948!
However, today, the suppression of toxin-sensitivity has expanded into new asylums, known as ‘Aversion Therapy Clinics’.
This therapy is Psychiatry’s crowning glory and hypnotises the restrained, by then exposing them to visuals reflecting their defects.
The Patients neural rhythms then rattle with reigns, until their sanity is suspended like the marionettes Psychiatrists maneuver from their offices, of deception.
In theory, it reduces the subjects to repent when urged to re-offend, for they grow accustomed to associating shocks with their transgressions.
If during therapy the subject then attempts to remove the electrode, he is administered shock’s that interrupt brain activity, to high voltages through his implants.
The liability inflicted by Psychiatry is something only a diseased fancy could conceive, and renders us bereft at how such agendas could fluctuate unnoticed.
However, when comparing Psychiatry to the Holocaust, it would then appear its founders were not alone in their aim to eradicate, the expendable.
Eugenics is the crowning glory of the Illuminati’s arrogance, and is the pseudoscience that enforced the Nazis rise to power.
To this day, chains link the slaves weighing the Illuminati aloft, who then have the have the audacity to section those afflicted by their toxins.
In 1909, Sir Francis Galton exposed this problem when he concluded, ‘Men who leave their mark on this world are those who being full of nervous power, are driven by a dominant idea and are then within a measurable distance of insanity’.
Francis Galton was the 2nd cousin of the inventor Charles Darwin, who was also a Polymath, anthropologist, eugenicist, explorer, geographer, meteorologist, proto-geneticist, psychometrician and statistician.
However, after his Knighthood in 1909, it would then seem queer a Noble of his talent would lay the foundry of Eugenics, yet his talents were harnessed to enforce the Illuminati’s reign.
It defy’s sense that a Knight should drink the profit of pseudo-science, yet his conformity must have consoled his fear of redundancy, at any rate.
On the contrary, in 1883, Galton formulated the Eugenics theory after statistics of genius, revealed numbers of eminent relatives dropped off, when going from first to second degree relatives.
These results then encouraged the Nobility to concentrate their DNA, by only marrying other Nobles for they were being out-bred, by the genetically redundant.
This measure is not only evidence a handful of Nobles had always struggled to govern humanity, but testament to the instability of their inbred reign.
Their solution then was the sterilisation of the mentally ill, yet was also targeted at dissidents who interfered with their agenda.
Eugenics has no scientific basis and is not merely genetic supremacy, but a theory used to mask the pursuit of inhumane social policies.
Lady’s and Gentlemen of the Jury, I ask you - are these Oil Men enrobed as Nobility, worthy of Royal claim?

~ Hydes Cleverly Disguised Hide ~

At the dawn of the 20th century, the Asylums overshadowed their prey whose patriotism was drawn from the consolation their suffering, at least colonized the world.
However, they were unaware that while they worked their mills, their regulators were then devising ever more ways with which to cull their hoards…

In 1910, Eugenics had spread worldwide while a biologist named Alfred Ploetz, had been busy devising an advanced form of it known as, ‘Racial Hygiene’.
His theory then ensured the Illuminati’s survival, among a populous whose regulation would have otherwise proven futile.
However, if their nations were reared with Noble aesthetics, they would not need to orchestrate their decline to hoard their treasuries of blood money.
Unsurprisingly, the height of their reign was heralded in Ploetz’s 1895 treatise, ‘The Efficiency of our Race and Protection of the Weak’.
Ploetz then focused on controlling the castes burdening the Arian race, and in 1905 he founded, ‘The German Association of Eugenics’.
He sought to revive Spartan selection yet failed to acknowledge, such elitism was established to enforce the ancient Spartans combat.
However, Ploetz’s ego was spawned of the privilege the frugal Spartans would have vanquished, claiming society should examine the intellect of its citizens, to then decide who should rear families.
His reestablishing of Spartan abortion eliminated children, the sick and disabled whose parents he deemed too old or too young for the German Public to bear.
The Spartans would have abhorred such propoganda, yet it stirred a bloodlust in the Germans for thier ignorance, resentment and patriotism combined to rouse the forks of their medieval heritage.
It comes of no surprise then, that Ploetz’s fellow Psychiatrist, Ernst Rudin, also possessed an ego enflamed by Eugenics that led him to declare:

‘All nations have to haul around with them an extraordinarily number of inferiors, weaklings and cripples’.
‘Through legislation on sterilization, we would then be able to pursue the best avenues for breeding’.

In the wake of cultural decline, Adolf Hitler had schooled under Ploetz’s successor, Madison Grant whose book, ‘The Passing of the Great Race’, was heralded as the dictators personal bible.
To alleviate Hitlers incarceration in Landsberg Prison, he had nightly studied Grants ‘Racial Hygiene’ treatise, by the flickering candlelight of his cell.
The treatise soon possessed the vacant haunt of Hitlers mind, as Grant’s
lust for power instilled in him the will to endure his isolation.
Indeed, Hitler’s sentence served for fascism to enforce his uprising, and on the eve of his release he warned the Fatherland it had been undermined, by banking conspirators.
The Germans ideal class of governance to aid their recuperation, was fascism tempered with genocide for their collective greed no doubt lurked, behind their mask of social reform.
Hitler then enforced Ploetz’s incompetence by hailing Sparta, as the forebears of the ‘Volkisch State’ and revived what he perceived to be, their culling of unworthy inheritors:

‘Sparta must be regarded as the first Volkisch State’.
‘The exposure of the sick and deformed children, in short, their destruction was more humane than the insanity of our day, that preserves pathological subjects and then takes the lives of healthy children through abortions, to breed a race of degenerates burdened with illness’.

On the contrary, the Spartans differed from Hitler’s lowbrow racism, in that they selected their healthiest offspring to support their ‘Failings’ strategy.
This maneuver then allowed them to shelter beneath an impenetrable body of shields, sustaining their legacy until history heralded them the elite warrior caste.
The Spartans would have abhorred consumer culture, for their aesthetics would have revived Organic Farming, limited breeding in balance with nature, and empowered Mankinds health.
However, food is disposed when it does not yield supermarkets profit, and should be donated to Africa yet the NWO have suppressed it, to exploit their resources.
The Eugenecist’s nevertheless embraced Hitler, for his policy’s offered them a chance to be funded by his tyranny.
The Nazis then bestowed financial support on them and in exchange, the Psychiatrists granted them medical justification for their agenda.
This union encouraged 40% of German Psychiatrists to align with the SS by 1933, and Ernst Rudin provided the research to sanction their crossover, from sterilization to genocide.
The Nazis then used the mentally ill as scapegoats for their decline, and that their eradication would therefore be an act of mercy.
Certainly, Germanys acceptance of propaganda was born of the patriotism, that had once assured thier ancestors survival and they now desired to restore the corrosive elements, of their industrious heritage.
Killing films were then screened in schools to rile the Germans, by moving from the culling of Jews to those they deemed ‘Existence Without Life’.
Tutors heralded fascism with ambitious disregard for their students, whose regression led them to praise the holocaust until their caretakers, felt like time-travellers among Neanderthals.
The Nazis then pursued those that had plunged the Fatherland, into medieval depression and began their depopulation with lethal injections, progressing to systematic gassing.
They executed their agenda from the ‘T4 Psychiatric Headquarters’ in Berlin, in which the slaughter of 70000 handicapped and mentally ill was sanctioned.
It should then be coherent to the Jury, that the Holocaust was the blight of those duped into heralding genocide, as economic salvation.
Nevertheless, their salvation exploded through asylums, shock-waved out across the Fatherland and rushed into negate the concentration camps.
Its gulf then overshadowed Ernst Rudin’s victory, and he hailed Hitler on the slaughter of 6 million Jews, and for bringing his vision of Eugenics to life.
However, his glory was short lived for after the Nazi’s 1946 surrender, their Psychiatrists were brought to trial at the Nuremburg, Court of Justice.
Their crimes then threatened to expose Psychiatry’s foundations, and prompted American Psychiatrists to attend the hearing and blame scapegoats.
The conceited hearing pardoned a host of war criminals, for the Americans and Germans financed Psychiatry as a depopulation agenda, denying the holocausts victims even the scant reprieve of justice.
While only a few doctors were prosecuted, Ernst Rudin made a swift retreat to Switzerland yet later found salvation, as he was adopted by the American, Psychiatric agenda.
However, his years as a fugitive had taken their toll on him, for his brow
bore hideous lines as he gibbered of how he was constantly pursued, by intelligence agents.
The injustice of the Nuremburg trial had by then engulfed the civilized world, where Psychiatrists were adopting Eugenics to eradicate 11000000, of the expendable.
However, Psychiatrists are seldom brought to Justice for the charges filed against them, are settled by their benefactors, Your Honour.
To this day, Eugenics has then enforced the NWO’S divide and rule agenda, by spurring groups like the K.K.K and the B.N.P whose subjugation of cultures, reflects psychiatrys mirror of conspired resentment.
Lady’s and Gentlemen of the Jury, Man has grown soft and spoilt in the wake of commerce, and Psychiatry has bred in the shadows of his ignorance, sowing death and dispair to further its legacy of self-deception.

‘The blight of hunting too close to the township’, sighed Daan, and as Den took up his handles he concluded their defeat was quite in keeping, with his standing as an invalid.
On the contrary, it seemed age had finally robbed them of their will, for their weary progress had exposed they were far too frail, to carry the burden of survival they now bore.
However, the wind then swept their doubts aloft a sea of bushes, which swayed in concert with their groves and enticed Daan with the liasons, their ivy curtains had once enwreathed.
This was indeed a region of mystery, whose willow trees cast silhouettes upon streams and illumined their rivulets, with an appreciation for natures, smallest treasures.
Silent groves were cradled by the limbs of redwoods that creaked, as their leafy gowns weighed them to bow before the sacred presence of the wind.
Their leaves cascaded out in bewildering beauty, swaying on tender stems and the moon whispered to him with the subtle gestures it cast upon the canopy.
Daan beheld in the dusk the moisture of fungus, spiraling up to enshrine century old oaks and the mist enwreathed their roots, to mask the mystery of their allure.
Through the dark and primal avenues the moon graced the Amesbury banks, Iron Age (~500 BC) Hill fort are visible as a low bank and ditch encircling the main camp.
The land had been levelled between the gloomy banks, whose vague outline submerged in the perrenial weathering of two aeons, and smelled of moist earth and decaying scent of autumn leaves.
Local legend had that Queen Boudicas Earthworks, that had remaimed untouched since she had made her last stand against the invading hoards of Rome, yet the fort oppressed me with a nauseating fear yet the, doom that befell its defenders.
The NWOs Roman forebears first ploughed the land the ruin of his ancestors, yet the foreshadowings of history had now returned to consume the land with genetically modified harvest.
I was in reality more horrified than astonished for there was in the air and in the sinister cartharsis that Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 2000 years ago.
That thought and emotion can persist in this way so long after the Albion rose to defend its honor, led Daan to envision the fort whose battlement would have been ground from the skulls of Roman sentrys.
Far on the shadowy watchtower drooped blazoned banners, lit with glowering pyres that were enwreathed in the vapours of coals, used to heat their cooking pots, and warm their beds with bowls of their smoking ashes.
in solemn quietude
as the memorys of the grove were haunted by slaughter of the advancing, Roman Church yet for each warrior that fell their seeded a mighty oak of pagan defiance, whose funereal reach stood in monument to Boudicas ressurection.
The unbreakable resistance of Pagan spirit seemed strong enough to leave memorys that persist; Albion would indeed rise again to redeem its inheritors of the NWO.
Yet the fort remained embodied here in colonnades of oaken imensity, as the banners of the canopy wavered in the moonlight and took fantastic forms as the wind swept up, to enmesh them.
This was a wood of stubborn sentinel trees armored in grey-green needles, of mighty oaks, of ironwoods as old as the realm itself. Here thick black trunks crowded close together while twisted branches wove a dense canopy overhead and misshapen roots wrestled beneath the soil. Homogeneity, overgrown with berry vines

He then perished in 1933 and instilled in his successors the will, to allure the mob until their hands ran red with bloodmoney, rendering their asylums abatoirs in which they perfected the arts of assassination.
Indeed, most Psychiatrists carry Cottons shame to their graves, so it is unsuprising that they heralded his passing for less than substituting Invalid’s, as Test Subjects.
On the contrary, all Psychiatry has managed to achieve since is modify its patients by restraint, brain suppress and alternatively have them lobotomised.
Lady’s and Gentlemen of the Jury, the heritage of Psychiatry has no justification for existence, for the sins concealed by those its nostrums suppress, now reveal that torture is its unmasked agenda.

Lunacy may drive invalids to suicide, yet there is no proof it is biologically inherited, and drugs simply wane the neurotransmitters, signalling their seizures.
However, it is fact that the medical institution promotes biological imbalances, to then profit on the drugs they prescribe, to those the drugs afflict.
This tragedy has been exposed through animal research, where studies have shown that the drugs prescribed to patients are in fact the source, of their imbalances.
Unfortunately, this case of Blind Leading the Blind is inherent in most of today’s professions.
Indeed, the higher masons climb the more they are cast down the spiral of depravity, for corporations enforce their reign by culling the unworthy inheritors of the commonplace.
The cotton, dental, pseudo-seed, Teflon, vaccine, chemtrail and pesticide company’s, all produce products that poison us, paving way for weaponized viruses that then complete the NWO’s agenda.
It should be coherent to the Jury that by suppressing any disorder, with chemicals that numb the brain, is sweeping the problem into corrupt courthouses.
Your Honor, I cannot conceive how your Panel may summon the will, to pass sentence here today in this closed court, for your Judicial antiquity has been reduced to less than a maze of manipulations.
Psychiatrist’s then consider their patients expendable and prescribe them brain-suppressants, rather than encouraging Organic Dieting, Tinctures and Toxin Awareness.
In essence, they should be prescribing them the remedy’s the pharmaceutical company’s, forbid them to unveil.
Nevertheless, they drink the profit of pseudo-science, whilst waiving lawsuits that might arouse any aversions, exposing thier pretext for repression.
Millions of patients recently prescribed anti-psychotics, developed diabetes after their courses and then questioned how brain-suppression, was supposed to have healed their illness’s?
On the contrary, Psychiatric drugs are ineffective for their intended purposes, causing permanent brain damage if used at supposedly therapeutic levels, as insisted by Psychiatrists.
Nevertheless, the vaccine company’s inflict brain damage on all they inoculate, for their ‘Thiomersal’ compounds are lethal to our neurological, mental and immune systems.
Consequently, a demand for medication to treat these vaccines has led the W.H.O, to release anti-psychotics that then drive patients to suicide.
They have therefore been exposed of biochemical genocide, and for engineering the sickliest generation our world has yet inherited.
Certainly, the reason Psychiatrists have duped the Commonplace, is because their victims reports of malpractice have often been weakened, by the ravings of their drug psychosis.
Their Psychiatrists believe all undesirable traits are diseases, and fabricate their diagnosis to then profit on their patients, drugs charges.
Psychiatry is perpetuated by the diseases it creates, and by financially supporting those that peddle its drugs.
How can we then trust its system of puppeteers, who maneuver their malpractice through marrionettes they then parade, to appease the aversions of the commonplace?
However, their exposure became clear when last year, a friend unveiled his Psychiatrist had diagnosed him with Megalomania, then Erectile Disorder, but he didn’t suffer from Megalomania anymore.
The most renowned scandal in the medical field, is that no doctor would testify the theory’s Psychiatrists diagnose defects, are biochemical-imbalances.
They capitalise on their patients and should have been trialled, if their Judges hadn’t of then accepted bribes to waive the lawsuits filed against them.
On the contrary, Psychiatry is enforced by law, yet its heritage has no grounding science, but does not deter it from charging for its malpractice.
Its Psychiatrists have woven the last 30 years from 543 million victims, who have been mowed beneath its plough of torture.
Lady’s and gentlemen of the jury, this exposure confounds us when Psychiatrists declare themselves professionals, to cloak their asylums arm of the police state.
How the taloned spires of their institutions lull the commonplace, while its herds nuzzle the asylums poisoned breast, and are sedated by the lullabies of its misdiagnosis.
In essence, Psychiatry cannot be called medicine for medical schools do not prepare Psychiatrists for Psychotherapy, insofar that their understanding of mental illness as a neurological presence is misinterpreted.
Sigmund Freud was among the first to expose Psychiatry’s erroneous heritage, when in his 1927 treatise ‘The Question of Lay Analysis’ he wrote:

‘In medical schools doctors receive training which is the opposite of preparation for Psychotherapy, for neurotics are an undesired complication, an embarrassment as much to therapeutics as to the military service’.
‘Nevertheless, the fact remains that neurotics are of great concern to medicine, yet medical education does nothing towards their understanding and treatment’.
‘On the contrary, it would be tolerable if medical education failed to give doctors any orientation in the field of neurosis, but it does more – it gives them a detrimental attitude’.
‘Analytic instruction would include branches of knowledge which are as remote from medicine and that a doctor doesn’t encounter in his practice: the history of civilization, mythology, the psychology of religion and the science of literature’.
‘Unless he is familiar with these subjects, an analyst can make nothing of a large amount of his material, and by way of compensation, the mass of what he is taught in medical schools is of no use to him’.
‘A knowledge of the anatomy of the tarsal bone’s, of carbohydrates, of the course of the cranial nerves, of bacillary exciting causes of disease and the means of combating them, on serum reactions and neoplasm’s’.
‘All of this knowledge is of no consequence to him; nor does it help him to understand a neurosis and to cure it, nor does it contribute to a sharpening of those intellectual capacities on which his occupation makes the greatest demands’.
‘It is unjust to compel a person who wants to set someone free of a phobia, to take the roundabout road of the medical curriculum, nor will such an endeavour achieve any success’.

To this day, Psychiatrists refute the idea anyone unschooled in medicine can treat mental illness, yet there are no biological tests that prove of any ‘Diseases of the Mind’.
On the contrary, even emotional trauma is improved by Organic dieting, for mental illness is caused by the brain absorbing toxins, and alongside the heart and feet - it soaks up all contaminants.
While the state does nothing to educate us of toxin awareness, ‘Detoxamil Suppositories’ cleanse our bloodstream of Heavy Metals, which are the source of all ailments.
To remove Heavy Metal fillings, deflect EMF’s and Chemtrails with ‘Sensei’ pendants, eat Organic Food and drink filtered water will nevertheless empower our immunity, against all illnesses.
It is no wonder that when pharmaceutical company’s forbid psychiatrists to unveil alternative medicines, their ability to treat mental illness is as senseless as solving a software problem by working on the hardware.
They instead drain everyone they treat by trapping them in their mainframe, and denigrate their patients to profit on their medication charges of up to £2000 a month!
Even our family GP’S perpetuate this billion pound agenda to downgrade our health, and profit on our demise as vultures peck the carrion.
In the past four decades, twice as many Americans have died in asylums than in all the wars since 1776 and insurance companies have paid out 69 billion pounds a year for psychiatric services, doubling the cost of medical insurance premiums.
However, whilst reaping in a fiendish fortune of over 2 trillion pounds annually, psychiatrists cannot point to a single cure for any of the disorders, they claim to treat.
It is beyond the rational mind to concieve, that this statistic has failed to alert the commonplace to the predatory agenda, corroding the bedrock of its institutions.
In 1997, the pharmaceutical company’s Merk, Eli Lily’s, Glaxo Smith Kline and Novartis persuaded the FDA (food and drug admin) to allow them to advertise to the public.
Psychiatrists then provided medical endorsement and within three years, their drug sales skyrocketed two and half times over.
However, when the tide of violence and suicide swept across America, public outrage forced the FDA to issue warning labels on their antidepressants.
Unfortunately, by this stage another swindle had been executed, 13 years had passed and billions of dollars had been profited upon by psychiatrists, who were already busy marketing their new wonder drugs.
It furrows the brow with hideous lines of fear, when concieving Psychiatrists waking at night immersed in nervous sweat, haunted by their subconcious for the unending wrath they have wraught.
Nevertheless, the reciprocals of their deception has since afflicted over 8 percent of the worlds population, yet their agendas are enforced by pseudoscience, the NWO and Judges whose honour is bought and sold on the auction block.
Their medicines engross nearly 27 billion dollars a year and it is no wonder these butchers in wait of trial, develop covert strategy’s to diagnose and drug every person on the planet, namely through the pesticides in our diets.
On the contrary, blood money is the lure of those that would cull the common herd, for such hunger is quite in keeping with their bestial standing as Psychiatrists.
They demand the authority to determine what is best for the ‘mentally ill’, for they profit on their demise, with the excuse they are unable to evaluate their own treatment.
This is the true nature of our police state and is labeled ‘involuntary hospitalisation’, where we are sectioned against our will, usually for possessing the insurance to cover their hospitalisation charges.
Ultimately, as long as society is dominated by involuntary hospitalisation, Asylums are prisons where every minute, someone is being committed for psychiatry is not medicine - it is the regulator of humanity.
Lady’s and gentlemen of the jury, ignorance is Psychiatry’s reason for



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