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30 - Straight

East Sussex, United Kingdom

Apr 6, 2020 02:05

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thy eyes art more beautiful than the darling buds of May
A wise wizard once said, 'Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.' With that in mind...

Good dawning to thee, friend,

I'm an energetic lady, who likes nothing more than writing with the right man.

The first thing people usually notice about me is my loving personality, closly followed by my smashing eyes. I hope you will find my eyes to be as special as new born kittens, and my abs as awesome as the first moon landing.

I work as a nurse, helping everyone. This allows me to exercise my skills: resourcefulness and saving lives. My idol is Julie Andrews. When I'm struggling with my job, I think of Julie Andrews and feel inspired to continue. I once saw Julie Andrews at a petrol station, so I feel we have a deep connection - almost spiritual, like the mist on an autumn day, or similar.

My life goals include:
Recieve a telegram from an owl
Write a sonnet that captures your beauty
Become the best nurse I can be
Help all the everyone in the world
If you're the right man for me, you'll be optimistic and sweet. You won't be afraid to cry and will have a healthy respect for life.

My ideal date would involve reading in Canada with a handsome man by my side. While we're there, I write poetry about your beautiful eyes under the light of the moon.

The right woman's smile will light up my day like somebody igniting a sparkler on a particularly stormy November 5th. Your beautiful eyes will make me tremble like sitting on a park bench when a double decker bus rattles by.

And I'll leave you with a quote from the one-and-only Harry Potter: "It seems as though I always knew I'd have to face him in the end."

Until younder




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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom