

33 - Straight

Gwent, United Kingdom

Aug 26, 2011 11:38

I’m 20 years old- almost 21 and better known as Ez.
im full of useless knowledge!
I’m looking to meet people with the same interests as me, whether to just hang out and have a laugh or more. i love men with tattoos & piercings and at least a bit of stubble!!!
At the moment i have white blonde and baby pink hair but that’s always changing. Though i eat like a horse im petit with size 3 feet-no joke!
i have 5 tattoos and a few piercings, my favorite tattoo is the black and grey roses going from the bottom of my hip to just below by boob! getting a ribcage tattoo was the most painful experience of my life!! im in need of more tattoos but ive just been made redundant so i cant afford any more at the moment = (
i appreciate pretty much all music- even some of the chavy stuff but that’s just me!!
But i mostly listen to all types of rock/drum&bass and dubstep.
i love having a drink and a smoke-that’s a must for me in a man, if you don’t love a smoke your not for me! But its sooo hard to find a guy who likes smoking as much as me around here = ( and by somking i mean Ganj!!!
I’ve got my own car and love driving im a bit of a boy racer, my cars very chavy but ive got a huge nirvana sticker on the back of it to confuse people when i drive past haha!
ive got many interests and love all types of documentaries, i love learning about the world.
im a bit of kooky character and have genuine blonde moments (not the fake stupid ones) im guaranteed to make you laugh with some of the things i say and do.
i love being spontaneous-the best nights are always unplanned.
Im definitely myself i don’t act up to impress people. Im a BIG NIRVANA fan and have been since i was about 8, I play a bit of guitar and have played piano and violin in the past.
I love art its the thing im best at.
Not really sure what else to say tbh, my friends would describe be as a bit weird, and ditzy, funny and bubbly and a right nutter = ) xx



Age: 33 / straight

United Kingdom

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