

24 - Straight

Mannheim, Germany

Apr 14, 2019 07:04

Make me astound of your pledge
of not nudging me constantly in that bright room full of silence
with various faces and overhearing judgements
remarking my flawless sins in a collection of integral identities.
make me astound of your overwhelming duties
on the floor where I could bearly stand with my heart pounding recklessly
and the sweat persistently flowing on my face out of apprehension.
Make me astound of your constant moral support of never running away from discomposure.
Of you standing in front of me, for me to see no one but you during my recital
with a thought in the head of not seeing me agitated during it.
you acted like a great Wall of China in front of my Frog Traveler
assuring me that how small it is for getting panick attacks.
You helped me when I couldn't do it for myself and made me realise how worthy I am
for everything that I have today.
You made it seem so easier but then you just stop.
You stopped acting as a stone when I started melting
You stopped fighting when I was defeating
Not because you stopped helping me
but to let me help myself
You broke your Great Wall of China yourself
not because you were tired
but to stop my Frog Traveler from growing anymore.
You saw in me what I couldn't in myself
A strong independent woman who didn't need anyone else anymore to fight for herself.