

32 - Straight

London, United Kingdom

Mar 13, 2011 17:30

I sit here alone, a knife at my wrist
The blade slowly slides across
I watch as the blood flows out of me
Makeing a river of blood, and a ballence of booth life and death
I close my eyes and feel as the worm blood flows down my arm
I open my eyes and stare at the slash in my wrist
My vishon starts to get blury
I can no longer feel the pain
My body starts to shake
"is it with fear?"
"is it with pain?"
I ask myself over and over
"why? why cant they see what they're doing to me?"
I can hear them laughing
as i sit here and cry
I can no longer move
I feel myself fall to the floor
As the blood continues to flow out of me
I can no longer see, everything is black
I try to call out for help
I can no longer speak
The pain dose not hurt when its the only thing that i have ever felt
My body is num
The only thing i feel is thw worm blood flow down my arm
I cant see a thing
Everything is gone, my life, my friends, my family,
but then again those things where never there to begin with
So now i lay here in the dark with a knife in one hand and blood flowing out the other
My vishion slowly returns to me
and i start to feel the pain once again
My body starts to shake again
The blood has stopped flowing
and once again im alive in this world but as i always was i am still dead inside
I slowly stand up
The whole world starts to spin
I have lied my whole life and im still lieing in the end
Every day when someone asks me
"how are you?"
my only answer is
"im fine"
but really im not "fine"
I cry and scream at night
I cut myself when your to busy to care
Ive tried to kill myself 8 times now
and still you dont even notise the pain that you have caused me
I lie to you because i dont want you to see what ive become, what i do, what i feel
So i fake a smile
I fake a laugh
Just so you will be happy
Im not perfect I never was
So please stop trying to make me be
I wash the blood from my body
I scrub it off the floor
I blast my music as loud as it gos just so you dont have to hear me scream
I wear long sleave shirts and guntlets so that you dont have to see the cuts and scars
I know its wrong,
Thats its bad to try
But its the only way i know how to release the pain
So please forgive me
I try my best for you
But its never inof
You still yell you still hit and you still make me feel this way
Dont you know that its you that makes me behave this way?



Age: 28 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 26 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 43 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 43 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 22 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 43 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 19 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 31 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 27 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 26 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

United Kingdom