

44 - Straight

Suffolk, United Kingdom

Jan 17, 2018 03:16

years I've been Daddy Daycare in Minnesota I raised my Daughter from a new born to a healthy 10 year old, Due to Divorce i am now 5000 miles away from my little Angel, I'm slowly trying to rebuild my life.....if that is even possible. i am a fan of Dr Who, but i also like to watch Big Bang theory, Red dwarf, How i met your mother, and any Disney movie...I love Disney, This wolf is a big kid at heart, I am a Gamer i love video games especially Minecraft which i have pics of 3 of my builds among my profile pics, I play video games with my daughter it is the only way we have of spending time with each other at the moment, I'm a night owl i tend to be up all night and sleep during the mornings, I'm not sure if 10 years in America has ruined my sleep patterns or what but i can't seem to sleep till it's night time in America I like all types of Music i used to be a volunteer Radio DJ for Ipswich Community Radio, I enjoy writing poetry and short stories from time to time, and i'm very Creative hence Minecraft lol I can not get enough of that game lol, I don't just build in minecraft I build Epic, it's go big or go home! lol
I am a family oriented man, I love children and inspiring them to be the best they can be.
I hope to visit japan someday because i really Like Sushi and Anime,
of course there is a lot of other places i would like to visit as i am a natural born traveler I just enjoy visiting new places trying new foods new experiences, I love photography i mostly take photos of old buildings so i can get ideas for my minecraft builds but i also enjoy capturing animals.
I love Animals that should be expected as i am The "Wolfy" wolves are one of my faves but not my favorite that would be the Great White Shark for it is a wolf of the ocean. I also like Dragons the fire breathing kind and Blades as in Daggers and swords yes i have a collection of sorts but have no fear my blades are for display purposes only and i've lived with a small child as in my daughter so i know how to keep them out of reach of children lol i'm not that crazy. half of my collection don't even have blade edges they just super blunt.
I dress how i like not whats fashion lol I am a Wolf after all and i don't follow the sheep of society, I don't do things the way people might think to do things there is always another way.
I probably come off too crazy and wild for most of you but sometimes that one thing in your life you are missing is a little craziness lol,
Ps I'm not looking for s*x. No more than cuddles.
Unless u message me how will u truly get to know me from just words on a page.
Seriously you have nothing to lose by messaging me,
Any female is welcome to come spend a night with me in my cave to watch Movies on Netflix,
Like I said I am not after s*x strictly cuddles,

Most are too afraid to actually meet yet isn't that the point of this site/app?

I put alot of me into this description so if your still here and still want to get to know me I commend you, ? and thank you for reading this far.

This is only a little about me i'm into so many other things but it's way too much to list here.

Don't be a Sheep.....come spend sometime with the Wolf u never know the fun ur missing.

I know who I am and I own it. I am Wolfy hear me howl.
Life is too short to not take a chance. I am the most real genuine guy you will ever meet, and unlike most I won't be trying to get into your panties..... I'm not about that I want long term real love. To build a relationship with one female with a beautiful mind. Starting with a solid foundation of Love and trust and Pixie dust...........



Age: 44 / straight

United Kingdom


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