

33 - Straight

cape town, South Africa

Feb 1, 2019 19:39

I'm an introverted, quirky, spontaneous, and down to earth bookworm with a love of art, photography and crafts.

Things that interest me include;
Ancient lost, cursed or mystic artifacts/places.
Nature/B&W/Perception and "Creepy" photographs/photography.
Adventure/Fantasy/Supernatural/Mystery/Comedy/Romance and Horror Books and movies.
Music depends on my mood. But love Evanescence and the soothing quality of some classical.

Things i dislike;
Cruelty/Abuse against Children/Golden oldies or Animals.
Jack asses that think they're Gods gift to woman.

I Adore;
Have a love of Black kitties! Wild and domesticated.
Being able to talk about everything and anything (non sexual) to someone who can keep up a conversation.
Having a sense of humor!! Dry, Sarcastic, Perverted, Dark I don't care just HAVE 1😑..

I'm looking for friends and if that turns into something more, that's cool too.

I don't bite... So send a message if you'd like to chat 😊