

33 - Straight

New Jersey, United States

Oct 2, 2010 10:13

I'm Criissii and psht I'm f**king gorgeous haha

I'm wearing a hat right now that my BestFriend left at my place ^_^ and I am very happy that she left this hat because well it's a f**king awesome hat haha

I make a lot of faces I don't know why I just like faces and making them I stick out my tongue a lot so if you see a face with a tongue out it means that I just stock out my tongue haha I randomly go up to random strangers and make faces to them just to piss them off or brighten their day I don't really care which ever one occurs I'll be happy I usually walk around where ever the hell I'm at and pretend I'm a dinosaur just because. People look at me weird but I honestly don't care I just do what ever it takes to make me happy. I sing my favorites songs in front of people that I know will make them uncomfortable because I think it's funny to see the look on old peoples faces when I say a curse word :/. I don't do the s**t I do for attention I do it to amuse myself when I'm bored so f**k you I don't care ^_^



Age: 61 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 23 / bi

New Jersey
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 23 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 50 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 19 / bi

New Jersey
United States


Age: 45 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 38 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 31 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 31 / straight

New Jersey
United States