

37 - Straight

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Mar 22, 2016 17:21

Welcome to my profile! Here's an oversized hoodie to chill in and some tea to sip on while you read.

I want that intimate feeling you get when you bond with another person. I want to share cuddles. I want someone to sleep next to. Trust me, Nexflix and chill is rubbish by yourself!
To begin with though, I'm happy to just meet some cool people, have a joke and some excitement, and see where it goes. I love my life and how it’s developing, but I've reached a point where I want someone with me on my adventure. Ya know??

I love my family and friends. I'm very particular about who is in my life and have learned to choose wisely. Luckily, even if I had a choice, I still would have chosen practically all of my family.

The most important things to me are people, good food and music; in that order. I'll elaborate.
Since I was a kid, I've felt an inbuilt urge to help people somehow, but have never been 100% sure how I'd do it. I see how the world is and how it might improve and I want to fix it. One on one is too limited. I don't know. Got any ideas?
Food is my hobby. I love going to restaurants and new places to try food. I have, on occasion, found myself slightly emotional because what I was eating was so good, haha. No joke. I'm no food snob though. Yes, you can find me enjoying myself at multiple michelain star awarded establishments, but give me a Big Mac and I'm a happy boy.
Music is my career and creative outlet. I love all kinds of music. My YouTube account is full of playlists I've created, from country to metal to 90s R&B. I songwrite, I sing and I used to run a choir.

It's ended up that I travel a lot. I never set out to, but I guess I just have friends who like traveling and I'm always up for an adventure, so I go. I suppose I do like discovering new cultures (and food) too.

I like sports, but I prefer sports that are a little aggressive; like rugby, MMA, ice hockey, american football, etc. They're just more fun. I'm terrible at following sports though. I have no idea which team is which.

I get a little nerdy at times. I like video games, especially ones with a well thought out story line and interesting characters that develop as the game plays out. And, I guess I don't do it too often these days, but I love researching psychology, spirituality, physics, maths, and just love finding out how things work in general. I like the deep stuff; the stuff we're not too sure about. I also love cartoons. Adventure Time is my favourite, obviously.

I used to gym 2-3 times a week. I like to build and ended up with fairly big arms and thick legs, but 3 spinal operations hit the pause button on that and I got kinda chubby. I will get back to the gym when I'm fully recovered, but don't expect to see me sporting a 6 pack; I'm more interested in strength and size than looking pretty. You can be the beauty, I'll be your beast.

You should know, I'm not the kind of man that'll "let you win an argument". I'm naturally honest and blunt, and if I respect you I'll challenge you. I expect the same respect from you. If I'm doing something that needs improving, tell me.

Random fact. I love women with hair that's dyed a crazy colour/s. Green, white, orange, whatever. When it's done well and looks good... my god! To intellectualise it, I guess it shows confidence, creativity and a care for detail. All traits I find incredibly s*xy.

Right, well I've waffled on about myself enough. Drop me a message, I'd love to hear about you.



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