

33 - Straight

Hampshire, United Kingdom

Aug 19, 2010 07:01

There isn't really much to me, Im a chilled and laidback guy.
Im in a Band at the moment called the Rag Tags (indie/rock) and should be gigging soon.
Though i might be joining Prolong The Agony (metal/hardcore) soon, which will be epic if i did because thats the type of music i want to play.
I play Guitar, Bass, Keyboard and sing/scream.
I studied music in college for 3 years.
Though my music taste is mainly Melodic Metal, i will listen to almost anything i just preffer heavier music.
Though Dubstep is my guilty pleasure.
It makes me laugh on these when people say "i like almost anything" because if i asked if people liked An American shootout, Bury Tomorrow, Architects, Bring Me The Horizon and more bands like that most people would say no, but thats just my genre of music.
I try hang out with my mates as much as possible like going clubbing or to the pub or just chillin with them and live for the day as it might be your last.
I am always up for a laugh.
I love piercing and tattoos, and have a big obsession with the ocean which nobody seems to understand.
I plan by the end of this year to get my full motorbike or car test done because having a 125 helps but its boring.
Feel feel to ask for my MSN, Facebook or Myspace.
This song really means alot to me the lyrics are amazing
i would love to find someone that can make me feel like this

Convergence - An American Shootout

I have found a place
Where I have...finally met closer
I have found a place
Where I can, be happy, once again
I put down my life, seeking something
that meant, more than anything before

Now I look back, and examine myself
And have found, I have only grown, closer to time
I'm stronger than I ever was, but I want to thank you
For the creature you made me

This is a new life, this is a new time
Without those broken times, there'd be no life, at all
And finally, I converge, with myself, more than anything

This is a new life, this is a new time
I didn't mean for anything, but I want you to know
That you have changed my life, forever...
And we were wandering, but all that I think exists
Is that I am stronger than myself, as one...

I have found a new place for myself
And it has made me the strongest I have ever been
And I just want to thank you for that

Thank you for the new life, thank you for the new time
I am better, than I ever was
After all the tribulation, I can see
That there is only light on the other side
I have converged with myself
I am proud to say, that I am better than I ever was

Convergence with myself
Converging with myself



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