

39 - Straight

Queensland, Australia

May 21, 2015 13:00

I look at a blank box and contemplate my life and what I have been through in attempts to find the right girl. How am to describe myself to the one I wish to marry? [EDIT: I failed to do this but it is what it is] Australia does not really have an emo scene. I left America when I was fourteen and if I knew what was to come, I would have stayed put. I have traveled for most of my life. I had both good times and bad times. I had a handful of people really screw me over. I am emotionally damaged and in America emo girls would actually like that about me. But Australia is a different world. Those who have been cut the deepest here are cast out from its society. People in Australia discourage the expression of feelings. But I love my feelings too much to give them up. I watch movies and listen and play music that invoke tears. In Australia that = loneliness. Dating here is all about finding someone who loves life and is happy. I am incomplete without my other half and I am not afraid to admit that. I am a bleeding heart and think that finding another bleeding heart would heal both of them.

I have been alone for over six years. Yet I have also spent the last six years travelling the world looking for my One. I am a philosophy student and about to finish my degree at the end of this year. I am obsessed with love. Plato's Symposium is my favourite book: read it and it will teach you a LOT about love. Maybe I would have functioned better in Ancient Greek times. I often idealise what life there as a philosopher would be like (probably get charged for impiety, lol). People now days don't even know what philosophy is. What is it? Philia: Love [of] Sophia: Wisdom. You have to learn each separately and then how they interact. I am unique amongst all others. I have spent my life studying love. I have the capacity to love deeper than any other person. I have just not yet found the right girl and I guard my heart because it has been broken and is sensitive to touch.

I am both American and Australian. I am happy to move for love. I want a beautiful girl who is lonely and longs for true love. I want a girl who wants to be protected. I long for a girl who wants me to revolve around her life. I want a girl who wants a true connection and not just s*x. I want a girl who will have long and deep conversations with me. I want a girl who wants me to want them, not just sexually but also mentally and spiritually. I want a girl who is a little neurotic. I want a girl who is not "normal" but slightly twisted. I want a girl who I can love deeply. I want a girl who will open her entire heart to me. I want a girl who will love me worshiping her. I want a girl who wants to settle down somewhere in this world, or travel it with me. I want a girl who reciprocates my love. I want a girl who I can hold hands with most of the time I am with her. I want a girl who will love me for who I am, both my strengths and weaknesses. I want a girl who will be One with me.

"According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves." Plato, Symposium

"Love is born into every human being; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature." Plato, Symposium

So sorry, I have failed to make an attractive profile... again. But I think if my One reads it, she will connect with its content. After all, I am only searching for ONE person, and ONE specific person, not just an anybody. They call us *hopeless* romantics for a reason. I truly believe that I have been built specifically for one individual out there: my soul mate. Maybe this ideology has no hope but I could never be happy in this life if I found just a someone.



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Missing Puzzle

Age: 103 / straight



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Age: 52 / straight



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Age: 19 / straight
