

46 - Straight

Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Apr 8, 2015 16:48

I am energetic and single parent 57 years hard working man,I’m romantic, thoughtful and joyful man. I’m a perfectionist in some sense, because if I decide to achieve something I want, I will go to the end! I never lose faith and I believe that happiness exists. Just some people misunderstand the meaning of these words "being happy" it doesn't mean dreaming of unreal things to be happy is to value what you already have! So I’m not that kind of man whose life is a big tragedy and who came here to find someone who will save him. I’m a happy man, who just misses one thing and this thing is true and pure love! I am not ideal, I am just such as I am but I think a big heart and a desire to love and to be loved is not so little to make someone happy. Yes? I am creative and I am always searching for something new to learn and do. I like to live an active and healthy life. I try to take care of myself and I always try to be in good shape. I am optimistic, smiling, honest, kind and sincere. I feel I am ready to create my own family and to be a good and loving husband. I can appreciate real feelings and I know if I meet my woman I will do all my best to make her happy. I will treat her like a queen and of course I hope she will do all her best for my happiness as well. I am not jealous, I do not like conflicts and I simply hate quarrels. I respect points of view of other people. You will always be able to share all your problems with me as I will always support you in good and bad times.



Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom

Dead Roses

Age: 25 / bi

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom