

39 - Straight

Northumberland, United Kingdom

Aug 28, 2016 11:09

Hey everybody!

I'm an upbeat kinda girl who's into her cars, bikes, computer games, and music. I get on with almost anybody - I'm just pretty laid back is all - but although at times I may not know what I want I'm wise enough to know what I don't want. I really came here because guys with tatts are hot

I'm nice (and quite diplomatic lol) but very determined, and I like a challenge. Did very well at uni and now breaking into game sound design first unpaid gig (booo), which is how it starts! I have a plan though

I bought my dream bike last year to celebrate the degree - a Ducati 1098 (see my photos!). She's lush lol I did drop her because I didn't have enough power on and she kinda scares me. I'm aiming for track days in 2017, once I've some more experience

I like reading, films, games, nights in, nights out, cinema, food, yaddah yaddah yaddah

If you have tatts and a car *and* a bike (or, you know, an interest in either/and/or)........ hit me up ;D

If you've read this far you no doubt think this is awesome So thanks for that If you're thinking about dropping me a message you should know I'm transgender. This means I live, act, and sound just like a girl - I just happen to have a little extra too x

I wrote this whilst slightly tipsy. Please note, don't judge

Also, Lesley Nielsen rocks.



Age: 39 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 44 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 47 / straight

United Kingdom