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36 - Straight

Wexford, Ireland

Mar 17, 2010 09:46

Loving music, movies, video games, animals...
Tattooed and pierced.
Final Fantasy is GOD!
f**kin LOVE Japan and can speak Japanese.
Vegetarian since age 9.
Wear what I want, dont care what ppl think.
Dont label me, im a little bit of everything.
Been dressing this way when the rest of u wer still playin with ur barbie dolls so dont f**kin give me s**t.
Lifes too short to be worrying bout other ppl and their petty opinions.
Hate being labelled and categorised into stupid sterotypical groups.
Im a nice person but can be a bitch so dun piss me off.
I try to reply to everyone but Im lazy so dont bitch at me 4 not replying.
If you dont like it, what makes u think I give a f**k?

"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those that matter dont mind and those that mind dont matter"