

32 - Straight

North Carolina, United States

Nov 1, 2014 12:38

My self-summary:
Let's see, myself. Well I was born and raised in the country. I love country music, old cars, and big trucks. I also love rock and screamo, tattoos, and punk chicks. I love intellect and love to have fun. Get to know me, I bet I'm like no one you've ever met before.

What I’m doing with my life:
Currently enlisted in the Marine Corps and just reenlisted for four more years. I also am just getting out of a botched marriage. Long story, if you ask I'll tell. Working on getting new tattoos and new friends is a daily goal.

I’m really good at:
Hmmm I'll keep this list pg, but know there's more to it.
-Giving massages
-Making people laugh
-Helping others
-Being really smart
-Lastly, fixing things.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food:
Currently I'm hooked on books about social engineering and NLP, but some of my favorites include anything by Gary Paulson, The Fault in our Stars, Shakespeare, and Of Mice and Men. Movies: Gladiator and V for Vendetta top the list, but I love almost every movie I watch. Dexter will always be my favorite show, even if the ending was bulls**t. Music I like it all, but mainly metal core, screamo, classic rock, and country. I love all food, especially food cooked for me by a female!

The six things I could never do without:
And lastly of course, s*x

I spend a lot of time thinking about:
Literally everything, I have ADD so it's rare my mind isn't wandering through every imaginable thought. I enjoy thinking about my future and when I'm in a relationship, the girl I'm with.
On a typical Friday night I am
Who knows!

You should message me if:
You want to, also if you own a snake.....snakes are badass.

Disclaimer, I am becoming more and more interested in the dom/sub and **** lifestyle. That being said if you're a vanilla and don't plan on branching out, we might not make it past friends.



Age: 32 / straight

North Carolina
United States

Cryptic asylum

Age: 22 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 34 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 21 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 30 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 40 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 33 / straight

North Carolina
United States

Chase NCH House

Age: 21 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 22 / bi

North Carolina
United States


Age: 26 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 22 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 31 / straight

North Carolina
United States