

32 - Straight

Kentucky, United States

Aug 16, 2015 04:50

I'm terrible at these things but I'm 22 years old, I go to college at the University of kentucky and am about to graduate, I love anime, music, cartoons, and Manga more than anything in a super chill person and laid back. Thought I'd make an account and make some more friends with my style and taste in music so hit me up if you wanna chat and I'm always up for random stories that's my favorite way to say hello I have 7 tattoos and my ears are stretched to 5/8ths. I mainly listen to hardcore or screamo. Lately I've been listening to in hearts wake, beartooth, crown the Empire, secrets, my American Heart, Attila, palisades, for the fallen dreams, and a lot more I have like 14, 000 songs so I'm always up to talk about new bands to listen to our anything
Here's one of my own.

A silent whisper in the dead of night, chills coursing through your body like a million tiny spiders. You look out the window, the thunder cracks, you see the blood. Panic runs through your legs, petrified into stone. Medusa's stare forced upon your shackled hopes of freedom. A bloody scream tries to escape your lungs, but dead silence is all that's heard. Forgotten memories flash before your eyes, you think this is the end. The cold blade finds your sweaty throat, your heart drops, this...this is the end. Goodbye sweet dreams. You close your eyes, embrace death, one last breath that's all you have left. The warm blood soothes the blade, you feel the searing pain, the gargled screams muffled by blood. You fall to your knees collapsing in your own blood. You see the killers hand and blade, it's your own hand but it can't be yours it's too cold and horrid caked in blood....your last dying breath you look up towards the window and see someone laughing hysterically. Suddenly you bolt awake. "It was just a dream." Sweat pouring from your body, cold chills begin, you felt it it was so real. You reach for your neck feeling for the cut but nothing is there. Thunder cracks, once more you look at the window......nothing but the black of night. It was all a dream, it was all a dream. Once more thunder cracks lightening lights up the window you see something on the floor of your room but you can't tell what. Slowly you get up scared out of your mind you look over your bed by the door and you see it. Your body laying on the ground. You reach for your neck once more you feel the gash it wasn't just a dream. You become hysterical laughing it all makes sense now it all makes sense.... slowly you back to the window. Glass shatters all around you as the hands grab you tearing at you slowly you fall back into the abyss. Hello old friend I've been waiting for you is all you hear falling into blackness...



Age: 19 / straight

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

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Age: 19 / straight

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Age: 18 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 39 / straight

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