

31 - Bi

Maryland, United States

Feb 7, 2010 20:22

So my name is Emmy. I'm not your typical teenage girl. So what? I have always found that the most important thing is to like who you are and not be what others expect of you. I have black long hair. I'm 5'3"[[yes im short i know D]] But I do love it. I'm Bisexual but I like boys a lot better. I live in the borring state of Maryland and cant wait to get out x]] I plan to be a nurse when i get older. Im pretty silly and random. But I'm Always there for my friends when they need me. I'm the type of person who will stay in your life forever, but only if you'll let me. I would like to find a sweet adorable boy so yea maybes i will x] I'm going to tell you a lot about myself, and hope you still try to talk to me. I hope you actually read my info that would be the s**t So yea read plz ^-^ yayyyy!

I'm Super Crazyy!

So yea I am a little bit crazy, but who isn't? haha I'm the type of girl who walks around and goes RAWRR at strangers. I can be uuber loud, but I love it becuase it's who I am. I'm generally pretty hyper. I love to be a complete spaztic idiot. I say the most random shyyt ever, but it makes me original. I dont care if you think I'm weird, because I am. But to me, it's a good thing:]

I LOVE my friends.

I hang out with my friends every friday and saturday. Not many of them go to my school. My schools full of liars and fakes who call ME a POSER?! Well, we'll get back to that topic later. But My friends are the craziest group of people you'll probably ever meet. They all mean everything in the world to me. So add me we should be friends Another thing, I'm always there for my friends. I try my best to be a good friend and always help all my friends. I don't care how close we are, I still care, so you can always talk to me.

I'm Real.

I'm no one but myself. Being myself is one of the most important things to me because if you can't be okay with yourself, who can you be okay with? I am 100% me and I HATE being called a poser more than anything, because if anything, thats the last thing i am. My whole school is full of people who seem to think that, if you dont dress like them, you're fake. You can call me anything else, but if there's one thing you cant call me its fake/poser, because I am just simply myself.

I'm Some Major ADHD

haha well one thing you should know about me is I have a majorly short attention span. I'll be doing one thing and then start doing another and simply forget about the other. Sometimes I'll be on the computer talking to people and I'll sit and stare at a wall for an hour or start playing with something I dont know whats wrong there lol but it happens

I'm A MAJOR Geek

Well I'm a HUGE geek. I spend time doing homework. I fall over almost everything and anything. I have a geeky voice. I say geeky phrases. But it's just me. LOL i love it I have the NERDIEST glasses ever and i wear them everywhere. Honestly I think its fun. I would take being geek over being "cool" anyday DDD Oh and I get good grades NERD

See What A Geek x]]]
I HATE fakes, backstabbers, and liars. OH and Drama SUCKS.

A lot of people have lied to me and back stabbed me in my life. So basically if you're one of these people I'm begging you, please dont even message me. I just really am trying to keep the drama out of my life. And also backstabbers just are mean. I dont like mean people. And if you're just gonna lie to me what is the point to even talking to me. And I just dont like fake people because well they fit in the backstabbers and the liars and usually cause the drama.[just saying]

Music is MY LIFE.

I LOVE music. I'm always listening to music x]] It's hard for me to chose my favorite band because I like so many! My top favorites are probably Alesana, Atreyu[the old stuff], A Day To Remember, Rise Against, Scary Kids Scarring Kids, Blessthefall, and Before Their Eyes. I play guitar and sing x]] I love music I'm basically ALWAYS listening to it or making it D

I Know Who I Wanna be

So when i was a little girl, I'd always say "mommy, when i grow up I want to be a doctor, I just want to help people and see them smile when they feel better because i helped." I love to help people I'm generally pretty caring. I want to be an ER nurse when I get older. Ive wanted to have a medical career ever since I was a very little girl. I plan on following my dreams. To see someone feel better because you helped them is the best feeling in the world. Honestly its always been my dream. I dont care about fame or money i just care about how people feel. I'm going into a medical program next year to start my training. So ill know a lot before i start college. :]

Anything Else? CONTACT ME.x]

I LOVE meeting new people so hit me up D Talk to me on here or add my msn/aim/yahoo[they're on the bottom of the page] and maybe if i get to know you well enough you'll get my number. x]]] hehe talk to me. plzz? oh and please add me i LOVE making new friends. soo woot woot thats it for now. .AIM:xxemmyzsaurusxx



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