

47 - Straight

Cornwall, United Kingdom

Sep 17, 2014 14:09

After doing a few open mic nights in local pubs I decided to form Kain’s Torment which is based on the vampires romanticized by Anne Rice as seen in the movies ”Interview With The Vampire“ and ”Queen Of The Damned“ and the superb ”Underworld“ movies, but I mainly based Kain’s Torment on Angel (the vampire with a soul from Buffy The Vampire Slayer) Making my music have the sad, lonely, moody, dark, heavy, and a slow tribal feel, but the most important thing which Kain’s Torment is based on is Passion and Love. After a long 4 years battle to get band members which got me nowhere, so I decided to try a different approach and concentrate on a solo career by stealing other band members to do Kain’s Torment albums. In 2003 I brought out my first solo album.... For the past 10 years I’ve been writing my long awaited 2nd album which will be titled ”KAIN’S TORMENT, SOMETHING IN THE WAY“ which will be a hell of a lot darker, moodier and heavier. In my eyes this new 2nd album should of been my 1st album but at the time I couldn’t get the musicians I wanted for the sound I was after. ”KAIN’S TORMENT, SOMETHING IN THE WAY“ is currently being recored.

This is what Kain’s Torment is all about. A Vampire’s life is lonely at the best of times drifting through millennia after millennia. But when you’ve fallen head over heals for you’re soul mate and she feels the same way about you, then the loneliness just melts away in a heartbeat and you complete each other. But once you’ve found your One True Love and it is ripped away from you, preventing you from being with your love because life has gotten in the way, like Buffy and Angel. Then you’ll truly understand the meaning of loneliness, missing their touch, missing their lovingly look when they smile at you, missing their laughter, missing holding each other, just missing them. You can not bare to be with another so you secretly sacrifice your happiness so your one true love can be happy, you love them so much that if it came down to it you would gladly die for your lover to save them. You drink Blood and Jack D to numb your aching heart, but something inside you makes you fight for other tormented souls who are in your shoes so they can have the chance of love that you can not have. In short life has turned you into an Fallen Angel. You are a killer, you fight for love and pain (like The Crow or Spawn but with more balls and bite)



Age: 42 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 35 / straight

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Age: 39 / straight

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Age: 52 / straight

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Archangel Azrael

Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 25 / straight

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Age: 30 / straight

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