

34 - Straight

South Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Jul 30, 2014 21:56

Blood type: A
DNA: Healthy
Operations: 2
Born: 90's
Addictions: hair dye, macaroni cheese and painting
Habits: day dreaming
Past life: N/A
Future life: fun, family and grandchildren
Attention span: alert if need be.... Ooh squirrel!'
Music taste: house, metal, rock, indie and classical
Play music: electric guitar but not often
Looking for: someone who is mature minded, conversationalist, random with thought and loves play time
Land or sea: sea
Sweet or savoury: both!

I am a freelance artist in my spare time and love what I do, have my own art studio so I just love escaping reality sometimes to create something magical!

Looking for someone older than 25 I'm done with 'boys' I have yet to met someone who wants future plans and a real relationship.

If I don't message you straight away don't get offended, I'm probably out in the gardern making something, in my art studio, playing guitar or gaming! I don't tend to sit and stare at my phone.

Anyway thanks for reading. Message me if that information doesn't put you off!



Age: 31 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom