

28 - Straight

Washington, United States

Nov 10, 2014 02:56

Hey my name is Sarah but my best friend calls me blue because my favorite color is blue
Am very artistic and I love to write stories
Chocolate is my life
Am very picky with guys because I want to find that special guy
I love Pokemon and anime
I like to write dark poetry and yes am kinda dark rawr lol
I love meeting new kinds of people and don't worry we won't bite ^ ^
Am in a band with Chloe it's called Apocalyptic Dreams
I love dr.pepper and invader zim
Am shy but nice if you get to know me
I`m crazy and not afraid to be weird
I have red hair
I just recently turned 18
I love Chloe she is like my sister and she shines bright to me, she has been through a lot so if you hurt her I will be your worst nightmare
I am single but Chloe already likes someone
Difference between me and her is she has dirty blonde hair
I guess that's it for know
Ohai. My name is Chloe. I'm called Neon by Blue and sometimes by my friends on DA.
Singing is my life, honestly. Like Blue has already said, we're in a band together.
You don't realize just how much I love Dr Pepper, it's possible to revive me with that stuff.
I love to draw, and I play the guitar and trumpet. Like Blue, I like to write.
I don't have a lot of confidence, but I'm actually pretty good at talking to people.
Sarah has been through way more than me, she doesn't deserve any of your crap (if you're planning to treat her bad) and I WILL hurt you if you hurt her.
Dirty blonde for life!
WARNING: Excessively Crazy. Approach at Your Own Risk.
I've been 18 for a little while longer than Blue, but it's all good!
I am single, and that guy ended up being a jerk.
Invader Zim is the best show.
My favorite color is mint green.
Hablo un poco Español.
We're waaaaaaay out there, but we live in Oak Harbor, Washington.
That's all I got.

My name is May
I am best friends with Sarah and Chloe
Am shy but the craziest person you will ever meet
I love invader zim, anime, music, and just having fun and letting loose
Am also very artistic
I love ice cream and anything sweet in general
Sarah doesn't know am here but she will be once she sees my pic
Am looking for a special guy, I don't really have a type of guy but they have to be as crazy as me
I think that's it I will add more later

Awesome people once said:

"It's sad to see how many people are so full of themselves that I don't think they'll ever realize how empty they are."

"Never say sorry for what you feel. That's like apologizing for being real."

"When life get so perfect that you can't imagine it any better, that's when everything starts to fall apart."

"Life is roller coaster - it screws you over again and again, so enjoy the ride while it lasts."

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."-Mark Twain

"My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them."-Mitch Hedberg

"Life is hard. After all, it kills you."-Katharine Hepburn

"There's no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both s*xes seem to be equally irrational."-Albert Ellis

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."


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