

33 - Straight

North Dakota, United States

Nov 30, 2014 04:41

Hello there everyone. I am from the not so simple anymore town on Minot. I'm a local, weird I know right? Iv'e been here since I was one. I'm currently sick of a lot of things out there and decided to give online dating a try. Now I'm a weird one so if you have the patience to get to know me and like all my quirks I think we can get a lot accomplished. I want someone cute and taller then me is a plus. I'll admit I'm a sucker for musicians. I like to think I have average intelligence but I wouldn't call me Ivy league. I like to watch netflix and draw, I need to draw more actually my are skills are crap. I have some old college loans I have to pay off but I would like to go back to maybe get a major in like child development because I love children I want like billion of them and maybe physical therapy to. If you haven't noticed my mind is all over the place all the time and I will probably talk your ear off on a first date so if your not into a loud mouth you can stop here haha. Any who to talk more about my quirks, I'm not really a "mature adult" I enjoy my little pony and have even been to a convention for it. I like anime and have been to a few cons for that too. I'm trying to watch more of that. I wanna start cosplaying at cons which would be super fun. I'm a furry, if you don't know what that is go ahead and google it but don't be to afraid of the images you will see. We are not all that bad I promise. I want a fursuit one day but those are expensive as frick.! @w@ I love animals obviously and have a cat and dog and some sugar gliders. I really wanna own a bunch of different little fuzz butts so my guy must like them too. My dream city to live in is Portland and I wanna live there so bad. It's beautiful and full of odd balls like me. I enjoy lolita fashion but am currently to fat for it. I'm actually trying to work on my body now and guy that's willing to enjoy me for who I am now but help motivate me to be better every day would me great 3 I want to be an alternative model one day, one of my many things I wanna do but haven't tried to do qwq. So that means I'm into all kinds of tattoo's and piercings. Heck yes, I love them on me and everyone else so if you have them and like them to then woot woot! I will always keep getting them and if you don't like that then you can stop reading here.....I think I'm having a brain fart so I'll just stop here for now.



Age: 23 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 26 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 27 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 40 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 23 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 25 / straight

North Dakota
United States