

38 - Straight

Pennsylvania, United States

Feb 9, 2015 16:39

Alright, so I am originally from Georgia. I moved to the Philly area last year (July '13). I work full-time as an operator in plastics manufacturing. I work 2nd shift, so my free time is limited to mornings and weekends. I am a fairly laid back kind of guy, I don't get worked up over stuff too easily. I'm looking to go back to school soon. I am a bit of a nerd, and I'm proud of it.

I love rock and roll music, though I can tolerate other genres for limited periods of time. My favorite band is Slipknot, I love Corey Taylor's vocals. Though there are many many bands that are close seconds. Ozzy will always be the greatest, though.

I love chilling and watching movies, usually of the scifi/action kind. My favorite movie of all-time is Aliens, hands down. Other favorites include Star Wars, Underworld, Lord of the Rings. I love period movies too, despite realism. Troy, Gladiator, Alexander, 300, Apocalyptico.

I enjoy playing video and computer games, though I haven't played much for the past six months or so. I play all different kinds from FPS, roleplay, fighting, hack 'n slash, etc. Favorites include Halo, Left 4 Dead, Dragon Age, Dynasty Warriors.

I also enjoy reading (when I have the time). Generally I only read scifi/fantasy novels. Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dragonlance. Though I occassionally venture to things like Resident Evil, Alien/Predator, Star Wars.

My body mods. I currently have no tattoos, though I would love to have full sleeves, a back piece, etc. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. As far as piercings go, my ears are the only thing I have pierced and they are stretched to 0g. About to go to 00g. I'm looking to get my septum pierced in the very near future.

I like going out just as much as I like staying in. I can go to a bar/club and have a good time just as easily as staying at home watching a movie on the couch

As far as women go, I'm not very picky at all. I have no preference in weight/height. I tend to drift toward shorter girls. I have no preference for ethnicity. Black, white, Asian, Latina. There are beautiful women in each skin tone. Don't really have a preference in age, it's just a number ... but the closer you are to my age or younger the better. I'd like for someone I'm dating to be into the same stuff as me (not EVERYTHING I'm in to, but enough so that we can enjoy doing things together), like music/movies/video games. I love ... emphasize LOVE ... women that are heavily tattooed and pierced. Always have, always will. I also love the move punk style. Not that either of those are deal breakers, but they definitely earn brownie points.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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