

30 - Straight

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Jul 2, 2014 23:38

*note: currently not in the country soooo won't be online here for a while*
I can't log onto my other account this ones the right one if you wana contact me

Hey! I'm absolutely terrible writing out these about me things so sorry in advance!
I'm Beth, 19 from the south east of England
I love all types of music but rock and metal is my favourite, I can't remember how many gigs I've been too!
I love gaming, I'm not one of those girls who says that for the hell of it..
I have lots of animals and they are what keep me going
Ummmm.. I like films,anime and reading though it's as and when I get time for them :/
I like travelling, going on adventures and I'd never turn down a quiet night in a pub
Oh and I have piercings and tattoos and that lot!


Tympeä kirpeä piimä

Age: 22 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / bi

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / bi

West Sussex
United Kingdom